On 19/9/22 05:46, Paul Raines wrote:

In slurm.conf I had InactiveLimit=60 which I guess is what is happening
but my reading of the docs on this setting was it only affects the
starting of a job with srun/salloc and not a job that has been running
for days.  Is it InactiveLimit that leads to the "inactivity time limit reached" message?

I believe so, but remember that this governs timeouts around communications between slurmctld and the srun/salloc commands, and not things like shell inactivity timeouts which are quite different.



# A job is considered inactive if it has no active job steps or
# if the srun command creating the job is not responding.

Hope this helps!

All the best,
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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