hello all,

I am doing some tests using the Slurm.  Just found that when I run the
srun command with -n and -c options, when the -n and -c are odd
numbers, srun job hangs and no shell is given to me.  When I check
using "squeue", it reports that this job is actually running.

 When -C = even number, it works fine(like -n 3 -c 2).

Did any of you see this strange behavior? Or did I do something wrong?

$ srun -n 3 -c 1  --mem-per-cpu=2000 -p test --pty bash -i
^Csrun: Cancelled pending job step with signal 2
srun: error: Unable to create step for job 67: Job/step already
completing or completed

$ srun -n 3 -c 3  --mem-per-cpu=2000 -p test --pty bash -i
^Csrun: Cancelled pending job step with signal 2
srun: error: Unable to create step for job 68: Job/step already
completing or completed

Also, -n 5 -c 1 and -n 5 -c 3 do not work.

My node has 16 cores.

slurm 22.05.5



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