On 27/2/23 03:34, David Laehnemann wrote:

Hi Chris, hi Sean,


thanks also (and thanks again) for chiming in.

No worries.

Quick follow-up question:

Would `squeue` be a better fall-back command than `scontrol` from the
perspective of keeping `slurmctld` responsive?

Sadly not, whilst a site can do some tricks to enforce rate limiting on squeue via the cli_filter that doesn't mean others have that set up, so they are vulnerable to the same issue.

Also, just as a quick heads-up: I am documenting your input by linking
to the mailing list archives, I hope that's alright for you?

No problem - but I would say it's got to be sacct.

All the best,
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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