The error message says that slurm cannot find slurm config file. Do you have a 
local copy of /etc/slurm/* or share the /etc/slurm across NFS, or using DNS & 
configless slurm?

S. Zhang

> Sorin Draga <>於2023/03/14 18:49寫道:
> Hello everyone, 
> I'm trying to run the new Debian image with SLURM, namely 
> debian-11-bullseye-v20230206 but sbatch/sinfo do not seem to work. I 
> installed slurm-client via:
> sudo apt-get install slurm-client
> but it did not solve the problem:
> sinfo: error: resolve_ctls_from_dns_srv: res_nsearch error: Unknown host
> sinfo: error: fetch_config: DNS SRV lookup failed
> sinfo: error: _establish_config_source: failed to fetch config
> sinfo: fatal: Could not establish a configuration source
> I am using this image because it provides python 3.9.x out-of-the-box. 
> It might be that the problem is trivial and I am missing something. 
> Would appreciate your help and insight 
> Kind regards, 
> S

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