
Earlier I found your Slurm_tools posting and found it very useful. This remains 
my problem, ‘current value’ not incrementing even after making needed changes 
to slurm.conf.

./showuserlimits -u ubuntu
scontrol -o show assoc_mgr users=ubuntu account=testing flags=Assoc
Association (Parent account):
      ClusterName =   dev-uid-testing
          Account =   testing
          UserName = 
        Partition = 
          Priority = 0
                ID = 6
    SharesRaw/Norm/Level/Factor =     1/18446744073709551616.00/1/0.00
    UsageRaw/Norm/Efctv = 0.00/1.00/0.00
    ParentAccount =   root, current value = 1
              Lft =   2
          DefAssoc = No
          GrpJobs = 
    GrpJobsAccrue = 
    GrpSubmitJobs = 
          GrpWall = 
          GrpTRES = 
             cpu: Limit = 1500, current value = 0
      GrpTRESMins = 
    GrpTRESRunMins = 
          MaxJobs =  
    MaxJobsAccrue =  
    MaxSubmitJobs =  
        MaxWallPJ =  
        MaxTRESPJ =  
        MaxTRESPN =  
    MaxTRESMinsPJ =  
    MinPrioThresh =  
Association (User):
      ClusterName =   dev-uid-testing
          Account =   testing
          UserName = ubuntu, UID=1000
        Partition = 
          Priority = 0
                ID = 9
    SharesRaw/Norm/Level/Factor =     1/18446744073709551616.00/1/0.00
    UsageRaw/Norm/Efctv = 0.00/1.00/0.00
    ParentAccount =  
              Lft =   3
          DefAssoc = Yes
          GrpJobs = 
    GrpJobsAccrue = 
    GrpSubmitJobs = 
          GrpWall = 
          GrpTRES = 
             cpu: Limit = 1500, current value = 0
      GrpTRESMins = 
             cpu: Limit = 1000, current value = 0
    GrpTRESRunMins = 
          MaxJobs =  
    MaxJobsAccrue =  
    MaxSubmitJobs =  
        MaxWallPJ =  
        MaxTRESPJ =  
        MaxTRESPN =  
    MaxTRESMinsPJ =  
    MinPrioThresh =  
Slurm share information:
Account                    User  RawShares  NormShares    RawUsage  
EffectvUsage  FairShare 
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 
------------- ---------- 
testing                  ubuntu          1                       0      
0.000000   0.000000

Clearly I’m still missing something or I don’t understand how it’s supposed to 


> On Apr 20, 2023, at 2:10 AM, Ole Holm Nielsen <ole.h.niel...@fysik.dtu.dk> 
> wrote:
> Hi Hoot,
> On 4/20/23 00:15, Hoot Thompson wrote:
>> Is there a ‘how to’ or recipe document for setting up and enforcing resource 
>> limits? I can establish accounts, users, and set limits but 'current value' 
>> is not incrementing after running jobs.
> I have written about resource limits in this Wiki page:
> https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/Niflheim_system/Slurm_configuration/#partition-limits
> Ole

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