On 6/26/23 05:57, Stephen Berg (Code 7309) wrote:
I've been hunting for any example of a job completion logging script. Currently I'm just using the text file plugin but I'd like to at least get an idea of how a script can be utilized.  As near as I can figure out so far the script option passes a set of variables to whatever script is called to be handled however.  What I haven't found is a list of those variables. I'm pretty sure that list matches what the completion log shows but that's just a guess right now.

Anyone got an example of something perl, python or bash that handles the completion logging?

I do have a very basic and simple script working now. One thing I still haven't found is a list of all environment variables available when the script runs at job completion.

Stephen Berg, IT Specialist, Ocean Sciences Division, Code 7309
Naval Research Laboratory
stephen.b...@nrlssc.navy.mil <- (Preferred contact)
W:   (228) 688-5738
DSN: (312) 823-5738
C:   (228) 365-0162

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