another option besides those mentioned would be to frontend sinfo with
jq/python and parse the data through json/yaml

On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 12:28 PM Arsene Marian Alain
<> wrote:
> Dear slurm users,
> I would like to see the following information of my nodes "hostname, total 
> mem, free mem and cpus". So, I used  ‘sinfo -o "%8n %8m %8e %C"’ but in the 
> output it shows me the memory in MB like "190560" and I need it in GB 
> (without decimals if possible) like "190GB". Any ideas or suggestions on how 
> I can do that?
> current output:
> node01   190560   125249   60/4/0/64
> node02   190560   171944   40/24/0/64
> node05   93280     91584     0/40/0/40
> node06   513120   509448   0/96/0/96
> node07   513120   512086   0/96/0/96
> node08   513120   512328   0/96/0/96
> node09   513120   512304   0/96/0/96
> desired output:
> node01   190GB   125GB   60/4/0/64
> node02   190GB   171GB   40/24/0/64
> node05   93GB      91GB    0/40/0/40
> node06   512GB   500GB   0/96/0/96
> node07   512GB   512GB   0/96/0/96
> node08   512GB   512GB   0/96/0/96
> node09   512GB   512GB   0/96/0/96
> I would appreciate any help.
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Alain

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