Le mercredi 4 octobre 2023 à 06:03, Kratz, Zach <zkr...@clarku.edu> a écrit :

> We use an interactive node that will randomly select from our list of 
> computing nodes to complete the job. We would like to find a way to select 
> from our list of old nodes first, before using the newer ones. We tried using 
> weight and assigned each of the old nodes a lower weight than the new nodes, 
> but in testing the new nodes were still assigned, even if the old nodes were 
> available.

Unless confidential, can you show the configuration Node and Partition 
configuration lines you have tested unsuccessfully?

> Is there any way to configure this in the line that configures the 
> interactive node in slurm.conf, for example: 
> PartitionName=interactive-cpu   Nodes=node[1-17] weight =10 node[18-24] 
> weight=50

Mind that Weight is a *Node* parameter, to be defined on Node setting lines[1], 
not on Partition line.

Another less optimal option is to define a default partition with the old nodes 
and another overlapping partition including the new nodes that users would need 
to specify explicitely on job submission to access the new nodes.

[1] https://slurm.schedmd.com/slurm.conf.html#SECTION_NODE-CONFIGURATION
Rémi Palancher
Rackslab: Open Source Solutions for HPC Operations

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