
Can GRES plugins, like SPANK plugins, be distributed as third-party software 
(i.e. without needing to be distributed as part of the Slurm codebase)?

Slurm’s documentation on SPANK (https://slurm.schedmd.com/spank.html) clearly 
details the steps to develop and distribute a SPANK plugin.
One would need to
(1) implement the API at 
(2) build the SPANK plugin library against the header file
(3) add the SPANK plugin so to the plugstack.conf file and the plugin will be 
loaded at the next job launch

Slurm’s documentation on GRES 
(https://guriang.unpad.ac.id/slurmdoc/gres_plugins.html) doesn’t give as many 
details wrt to deploying/distributing a custom GRES plugin.
The doc says “It is intended as a resource to programmers wishing to write 
their own Slurm GRES plugins.” which hints at GRES plugins being analogous to 
SPANK plugins in terms of distribution.
Like SPANK plugins, one would need to
(1) implement the API at 
but, it is not clear to me what the equivalent of steps (2) and (3) are for 
Unlike spank.h, which falls under Slurm API’s include files, gres.h falls under 
slurm/src which leads me to believe that a new GRES plugin would need to be 
upstreamed into the Slurm codebase.

Could someone please verify my understanding?

Thank you,

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