We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm version 23.11.6.

The 23.11.6 release includes two different problems with the
priority/multifactor plugin: a crash and a miscalculation of
AssocGrpCPURunMinutes after a slurmctld reconfiguration/restart.
The wsrep_on errors that sites running MySQL or older MariaDB should
happen much less frequently and has a clarifying statement when it
is an innocuous error.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .


* Changes in Slurm 23.11.6
 -- Avoid limiting sockets per node to one when using gres enforce-binding.
 -- slurmrestd - Avoid permission denied errors when attempting to listen on
    the same port multiple times.
 -- Fix GRES reservations where the GRES has no topology
    (no cores= in gres.conf).
 -- Ensure that thread_id_rpc is gone before priority_g_fini().
 -- Fix scontrol reboot timeout removing drain state from nodes.
 -- squeue - Print header on empty reponse to `--only-job-state`.
 -- Fix slurmrestd not ending job properly when xauth is not present and a x11
    job is sent.
 -- Add experimental job state caching with
    SchedulerParameters=enable_job_state_cache to speed up querying job states
    with squeue --only-job-state.
 -- slurmrestd - Correct dumping of invalid ArrayJobIds returned from
    'GET /slurm/v0.0.40/jobs/state'.
 -- squeue - Correct dumping of invalid ArrayJobIds returned from
    `squeue --only-job-state --{json|yaml}`.
 -- If scancel --ctld is not used with --interactive, --sibling, or specific
    step ids, then this option issues a single request to the slurmctld to
    signal all jobs matching the specified filters. This greatly improves
    the performance of slurmctld and scancel. The updated --ctld option also
    fixes issues with the --partition or --reservation scancel options for jobs
    that requested multiple partitions or reservations.
 -- slurmrestd - Give EINVAL error when failing to parse signal name to numeric
 -- slurmrestd - Allow ContentBody for all methods per RFC7230 even if ignored.
 -- slurmrestd - Add 'DELETE /slurm/v0.0.40/jobs' endpoint to allow bulk job
    signaling via slurmctld.
 -- Fix combination of --nodelist and --exclude not always respecting the
    excluded node list.
 -- Fix jobs incorrectly allocating nodes exclusively when started on a
    partition that doesn't enforce it. This could happen if a multi-partition
    job doesn't specify --exclusive and is evaluated first on a partition
    configured with OverSubscribe=EXCLUSIVE but ends up starting in a partition
    configured with OverSubscribe!=EXCLUSIVE evaluated afterwards.
 -- Setting GLOB_SILENCE flag no longer exposes old bugged behavior.
 -- Fix associations AssocGrpCPURunMinutes being incorrectly computed for
    running jobs after a controller reconfiguration/restart.
 -- Fix scheduling jobs that request --gpus and nodes have different node
    weights and different numbers of gpus.
 -- slurmrestd - Add "NO_CRON_JOBS" as possible flag value to the following:
      'DELETE /slurm/v0.0.40/jobs' flags field.
      'DELETE /slurm/v0.0.40/job/{job_id}?flags=' flags query parameter.
 -- Fix scontrol segfault/assert failure if the TRESPerNode parameter is used
    when creating reservations.
 -- Avoid checking for wsrep_on when restoring streaming replication settings.
 -- Clarify in the logs that error "1193 Unknown system variable 'wsrep_on'" is
 -- accounting_storage/mysql - Fix problem when loading reservations from an
    archive dump.
 -- slurmdbd - Fix minor race condition when sending updates to a shutdown
 -- slurmctld - Fix invalid refusal of a reservation update.
 -- openapi - Fix memory leak of /meta/slurm/cluster response field.
 -- Fix memory leak when using auth/slurm and AuthInfo=use_client_ids.

Marshall Garey
Release Management, Support, and Development
SchedMD LLC - Commercial Slurm Development and Support

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