Hello Paul,

On Saturday 1 July 2017 8:06:21 PM IST you wrote:
> Hi Shridhar:
>      I run smartos behind a proxy also (but an unauthenticated proxy
> server), and I am able to run imgadm commands by using the following syntax:
>   * http_proxy=http://proxy.company.com:8000 imgadm avail
>   * http_proxy=http://proxy.company.com:8000 imgadm import <UUID>
>      You would need to replace the "http://proxy.company.com:8000"; with
> your proxy server, port, (and I believe you can put proxy authentication
> as part of this also).  I found that if I had exported the http_proxy on
> a separate line, it did not work.

Sorry, it took some time to reach office and experiment, hence the delayed 

I tried it all the way, same line, export to environment, http_proxy/
https_proxy, nothing is working :(

I need to find out about exact authentication method being used. May be that 
will offer some clue.

>      Also, I was able to download images from Joyent with the following
> commands (I prefer this practice, it allows me to keep a copy of an
> image, in case Joyent deletes an image, or when we have problems
> connecting to the internet):
>   * You will need to know the UUID of the image (use the command to find
>     that: "http_proxy=http://proxy.company.com:8000 imgadm avail" )
>   * Then, use that UUID to download the manifest:
>       o wget --no-check-certificate -O $UUID.manifest
>         https://images.joyent.com/images/$UUID
>   * and then the actual image:
>       o wget --no-check-certificate -O $UUID.zfs
>         https://images.joyent.com/images/$UUID/file
>       o (note the /file at the end)
>   * You can use the command "sha1sum $UUID.zfs" to check the sha1
>     checksum and compare it to the value found in the $UUID.manifest
>     file (grep sha1 $UUID.manifest)
>       o note: sha1sum is not part of the smartos distribution, I had to
>         find my own copy of it
>   * To install the image:
>       o imgadm install -m $UUID.manifest -f $UUID.zfs

Thank you for the detailed steps. Thats a nice trick to have. I will try it a 
bit later, since direct downloads isn't a preferred path for now.

Thanks again.


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