On 30 July 2017 at 15:56, Lonnie Cumberland <lon...@outstep.com> wrote:
> More to the point, was that I came across SmartOS and Triton which seems to 
> be in much more alignment with that I want for the basis of the project to 
> build upon, but a question that I have was how well does it scale. I know 
> that some container offerings can easily scale to hundreds and hundreds of 
> concurrently running containers with low impact on the total system, but I 
> was not sure about how well SmartOS can scale and wanted to ask the community?

We (at Joyent) have been running some experiments recently to see just
how many containers we can fit on a single, large SmartOS host.  We're
definitely into to the thousands at this point.  On production
systems, tens or hundreds of containers is the norm -- depending on
the number of CPU cores, the quantity of RAM, and the capacity of disk
storage in your servers, of course!

One of the design goals for Triton is to be able to aggregate
thousands of compute servers, each running many customer containers,
in a data centre behind a single provisioning API service (whether you
use the Triton-specific CloudAPI, or the Docker API).  You can start
with just a handful of servers, adding more as your capacity and
redundancy needs grow.

> Also, I was wondering about how easily it might be to set up something like 
> PeerVPN or TincVPN between SmartOS nodes so that they could all be on the 
> same subnet, etc....

Triton actually provides "fabric networking".  We use VXLAN to
encapsulate private customer networks and bridge them between
underlying physical servers in the same data centre.


Joshua M. Clulow
UNIX Admin/Developer

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