August 15, 2018 3:43 PM, "Stefan" <> wrote:

> Dear list,
> we started experimenting with bhyve recently (joyent_20180802T002654Z)
> and ran into some issues and open questions:
> 1. Are the 'old' SmartOS virtual machines images, e.g.
> 47f66e34-2c6d-11e8-bef9-4780fac9ac03 centos-7 
> 20180320 linux zvol 2018-03-20
> supposed to be usable under bhyve? I have tested installing the centos-7
> image using b6-json

Sort of, most of those will have there network configured for DHCP. The KVM 
brand had a built in DHCP server to hand out the addresses configured via 
vmadm. Bhyve does not and relies on cloud-init to do the configuration. You 
should be able to use the old images, if you configure the network manually. At 
least for linux images.

> with the image uuid replaced by that of the centos-7 image. This VM
> comes up, vmadm console works, but it does not get its network settings.

They not getting network settings is expected, see above.

> 2. Is there a migration path from TYPE=KVM to TYPE=BHYV? I modified the
> brand attribute in /etc/zones/...xml file of an a earlier installed
> instance (image uuid 6aac0370-56b8-11e7-a29b-df1de8b42795 = centos-6
> 20170621) and startet the VM. It comes up, network is up, I can ssh
> into the VM. But

Some attribute are not supported or ignored by bhyve (e.g. model other than 
virtio for nics) ...
bhyve also wants a few extra ones to configure the serial console. The easiest 
way I have found to migrated an existing KVM is:
- configure the network statically while it is still booted via KVM
- halt the KVM zone
- (remove the nics - to avoid conflict of IPs, optionally remove the hostname 
- create a bhyve zone with same disk/network config
- zfs destroy zones/NEW_ZONE_UUID/disk0
- zfs rename zones/OLD_ZONE_UUID-disk0 zones/NEW_ZONE_UUID/disk0
- boot the bhyve zone and see if everything works.

I believe eventually joyent wants to add an auto convert of sorts.

> - there is no output on vmadm console
> - mdata-get sdc:net hangs and repeats "plat_recv timeout"
> - a start script hangs:
> |-rc,757 /etc/rc.d/rc 3
> | `-bash,1485 /etc/rc3.d/S99local start
> | `-mdata-get,1495 dummykey

If you just swapped the type from KVM -> bhyve using zonecfg/editing the xml, 
that is to be expected as the serial consoles are set up differently.

> - vncviewer connects to the vnc port but does not ask
> for the password and shows only a black screen.

There is no password support or VNC yet (I think it is planned in the future 
though, but don't quote me on that).
I never had any success with vnc + uefi-csm-rom.bin (what is shipped 
currently), the soon to come PI will have both uefi-rom.bin and 
uefi-csm-rom.bin shipped, you can select the uefi only one by setting 
bootrom=uefi, that way vnc should work.

> 3. I added vnc_port and vnc_password to the b6-json and installed the
> 462d1d03-8457-e134-a408-cf9ea2b9be96 centos-bhyve-7 image. This starts
> fine, has network and vmadm console but the vnc is not working as noted
> above.

You will still hit rough spots here and there so now might not be the time to 
switch over all your VMs. I myself hit a nasty issue with bhyve and netwerk 
traffic to zones on the same CN which can hang the bhyve guest. For now I have 
a CN dedicated for testing with bhyve, none of my guests are based on pre made 
images though.

> Any suggestion is appreciated.
> Kind Regards,
> Stefan

Regards and good luck!



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