>>>>> "aa" == arne anka <openm...@ginguppin.de> writes:

aa> on the om community list there are a few reports about fso images
aa> built after january 8th not booting into X anymore (hanging after
aa> starting fso-gpsd).  also there seem to be conflicts between
aa> initscripts and initscripts-openmoko.

aa> i do not use any fso images myself nor opkg, but since so for no
aa> one from the fso guys responded and the fragmentation of lists may
aa> prevent those affected from raising the issue on the "right" list,
aa> i decided to mention it here -- hoping it would gain more
aa> attention ...

I am one of those who experienced the problem.

I  had a  functioning  FSO installation,  launched  opkg update,  opkg
upgrade wich  hopefully would  downolad a frameworkd  hardened against
rogue UTF-8 SMS  (so long to require concatenation  and/or with broken
UTF-8 encoding).

The process downloaded a lot of  stuff and tried to update the kernel.
After the upgrade the phone was unable to find the kernel. I reflashed
the  kernel with  an older  one I  had (it  seemed to  me that  it was
enought up  to date)  and the machine  failed to start  X. Furthermore
zhone,  who finally showed  up cleanly  on a  remote display,  did not
activate anything else than the wrench.

Arne, could  you repost  here the recipes  to restart  X and DBUS  ? I
would like to return to FSO, I am a bit uncomfortable with SHR.

 /\           ___                                    Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____               African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico            meaning "I can
\/                   e coltivatore diretto               not install
                               di software                   Debian"


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