Hi everybody,

I've played with my OpenMoko phone in the late hours of the last week
and this is a small report of what I've done and liked.

I've decided I want to do without the panel, it's to small for my
fingers, so I removed it. This meant removing the openmoko-panel-applet
which (to my surprise) actually handled the Aux button function. I now
To ~/.xsession: xmodmap -e 'keycode 177 = XF86ApplicationLeft'
To ~/.matchbox/kbdconfig: XF86ApplicationLeft=next

This allows me to switch programs with the aux buttons (alt-tab).

As part of my default session I start the launcher I created earlier
(lf-launch with --noclose), xclock (ugly, need a better one) and zhone.

My current plans include:
- Create something to kill applications (SIGTERM) when AUX is pressed
for a longer period (maybe as part of auxlaunch, but I have not been
able to contact the author yet).
- Rewrite openmoko-panel-applet to make it a full-screen application
instead of an applet.
- Get the code for a good and useful dialer, so I can start using it as
a phone without depending on zhone.
- Find/code a separate messaging application to do text messaging.
- Find a good base theme to make everything beautiful.
- Find out if there is something like a see-through full-screen keyboard
which appears when I enter a text-field and weather that would be nice
to use.

Help with any of these points or just rants or comments are very



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