
Using the information here: http://lists.linuxtogo.org/pipermail/smartphones-userland/2009-June/001573.html I've been able to detect a headset button press and use it to pause and unpause mplayer. Very nice for listening to podcasts with the Freerunner in my pocket.

To make it work I modified oevents/rules.yaml to include the following:

    # Headset Audio Scenario Support
    trigger: InputEvent()
             - HasAttr(switch, "HEADSET")
             - HasAttr(event, "pressed")
             - Command('amixer -d sset "Amp Spk" mute')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "DAPM Headset Mic" on')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "Left Mixer Sidetone Playback Sw" on')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "ALC Mixer Mic1" cap')
    trigger: InputEvent()
             - HasAttr(switch, "HEADSET")
             - HasAttr(event, "released")
             - Command('amixer -d sset "Amp Spk" unmute')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "DAPM Headset Mic" off')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "Left Mixer Sidetone Playback Sw" off')
             - Command('amixer -d sset "ALC Mixer Mic1" uncap')

However, once the Freerunner is suspended and woken again, it no longer detects the headset button. I've checked the ALSA settings and they do not appear to have been changed.

If I unplug and replug the headset, then it starts to work again, as long as fso-frameworkd is running.

If I stop fso-frameworkd, then it unplugging and replugging the headset makes no difference. No surprises there. But I would have expected that manually doing the amixer commands would make it work again. But it doesn't.

So it seems that:

1. suspending and waking the freerunner is doing something to the sound settings that makes it stop detecting the headset button.

AND 2. fso-frameworkd is doing something more than what is specified in rules.yaml when the headset is plugged in.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Cheers, Jonathan

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