Hello Max,
you wrote in Fedora 7 press release:
> Fedora 7 provides the first appliance development platform that
> is 100 percent open source with an entirely free distribution
> build toolchain

This is a self(ish) promotion, in ALT Linux we've had that
completely free aplliance-targeted toolchain MORE THAN THREE

Imagine it, ApplianceWare was already built off that system
(proprietary back then) when Fedora wasn't even a child. And now
we're able to build controllable OpenVZ containers via web
interface in Server 4.0 with next-gen.

Shame on PR makers who brightly publish false stuff, especially
if these claim to be developers who should do their homework at
least before overstating that way.

I'm only happy for colleagues' breakthroughs, but in technology,
not in lies.

(as published on lwn.net)

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
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