В сообщении от Thursday 22 November 2007 14:17:28 Anatol B. Bazyukin 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Alexandria

Всё верно:

# Caesar's conquest 48 BC;
# The attack of Aurelian in the 3rd century;
# The decree of Theophilus in 391;
# The Muslim conquest in 642 or thereafter.

The fourth episode ___was not documented by __any__ contemporary source, 
although __some__ maintain that the final destruction of the Library took 
place at this time.
As Theon, the distinguished mathematician and father of Hypatia, herself a 
renowned scholar, __was the last recorded scholar-member__ (c. 380), it is 
likely that the Mouseion ___did not long survive the promulgation of 
Theodosius' decree in 391__ to destroy __all pagan__ temples in the City.

И что касается 4-го случая («Several historians told» !)
However the legend has been dismissed by some as a later invention of 
Christian crusaders eager to justify the "barbarism" of Muslim armies.

Оттуда же: Murder of Hypatia, __End of Classic Scholarship in Egypt__ —

http://www.bede.org.uk/library.htm#omar —
The errors in the sources are obvious and the story itself is almost wholly 
... Agreeing with Gibbon this time, we can dismiss it as a legend.

Так как у нас называется выпячивание одних __версий__ при полном умалчивании 
других __событий__? Культурной интеллигентной беседой?

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