Title: Re: [smokeping-users] Smokeping slave syslog
I should say, right up front, that I don't have a direct answer for your question - but I'm not clear why you need to review the logs ONLY from the slave instead of getting them from the master? 

It's been a while, but can't you see from the logs on the master, which slave generated which alerts?

Perhaps that's not the case, and that's why you want the logs from the slave...
BUT I don't think the slave is even going to *know* what the alert is or what the thresholds are. [The master simply passes what devices/targets the slave is supposed to hit and how - and then the slave does it and passes the raw data back to the master. A slave has, I think, no concept of alerts/alert-thresholds etc.]

As an alternative, perhaps there's some way to run a script [the | "pipe"] command as your alert on the master and generate log items on the master that you can then identify with OMD.

But in general, I don't think the slave even has a concept of the data you're looking for and so I'm quite certain you'll have to find it, or make it on the master.


Hello everyone!
I am trying to integrate smokeping into my Open monitoring Distribution deployment as an alternative to IPSLA. Currently we have a Master slave configuration of Smokeping for a bunch of sensors we manage which works very well! 
The next stage of my project is to find out if there is a way for my slave instances running smokeping to report ALERTS into their own local syslog. I know that the Master Smokeping server reports the ALERT into its own syslog facility; but I need the alerts triggered to be reported on the Slave probes syslog so I can use the check_mk log watch agent of OMD to tie the alert to individual smokeping sensors that I monitor using Check_mk. Please help! Thank you!

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