Sorry,  I meant to submit to the users group.

I think it is an Apache2 issue. I uninstalled Apache and reinstalled it and now I get a permissions error on all HTML files. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Greg Stucky

On 8/22/2013 11:58 PM, Greg Sloop <> wrote:

Well, that's what it is complaining about.
My guess is: there really is something wrong with that directory/perms.

Make sure there isn't a problem...

I suppose it could be some thing else in the config, so do you mind giving the config.

(And we should probably go back on-list, so others can help)

On Aug 22, 2013 7:39 PM, "Greg Sloop &lt; <>&gt;" < <>> wrote:

    See inline.
    On Aug 22, 2013 6:32 PM, "Greg Stucky" <
    <>> wrote:
    > Results from --debug
    > smokeping --config=/etc/smokeping/config  --debug
    > ### Compiling alert detector pattern 'someloss'
    > ### >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
    > sub {
    >     my $d = shift;
    >     my $y = $d->{loss};
    >     for(1){
    >         my $imax2 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
    >         my $imax1 = min(@$y - 3, 12);
    >         my $minlength = 3;
    >         my $maxlength = 27;
    >         next if scalar @$y < $minlength ;
    >         my $i1;
    >         for($i1=0; $i1 < min($maxlength,$imax1); $i1++){
    >             my $i2;
    >             for($i2=0; $i2 < min($maxlength-$i1,$imax2); $i2++){
    >                 next unless defined $y->[-3-$i1-$i2]
    >                                 and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] =~ /^\d/
    >                                 and $y->[-3-$i1-$i2] > 0
    >                                      ; last;
    >             }
    >             return 0 if $i2 >= min($maxlength-$i1-$i2,$imax2);
    >             next unless defined $y->[-2-$i1]
    >                             and $y->[-2-$i1] =~ /^\d/
    >                             and $y->[-2-$i1] > 0
    >                                  ;            last;
    >         }
    >         return 0 if $i1 >= min($maxlength-$i1,$imax1);
    >         next unless defined $y->[-1]
    >                         and $y->[-1] =~ /^\d/
    >                         and $y->[-1] > 0
    >                              ;        return 1;
    >     }
    >     return 0;
    > }
    > Smokeping version 2.006008 successfully launched.
    > Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon'
    > for that.
    > FPing: probing 4 targets with step 300 s and offset 63 s.
    > FPing: Executing /usr/sbin/fping -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10
    > Calling RRDs::update(/var/lib/smokeping/data/MyLocs/server1.rrd
    > --template
    > 19:ping20
    > e-02:3.8990000000e-02)
    > Alert "someloss": no match for target
    > /var/lib/smokeping/data/MyLocs/Server1
    > I checked and folder and .rrd file.cgi
    /var/lib/smokeping/data/MyLocs/Server1 does exist.  I also made a
    copy of smokeping and called it smokeping.cgi in the cgi-bin
    folder and i get the same error message
    > ERROR: /etc/smokeping/config, line 10: Directory
    '/srv/www/htdocs/smokeping/cache' does not exist

    Does the above dir exist, and does the user smokeping is running
    as have rights?

    > Greg
    > On 8/22/2013 7:59 PM, Gregory Sloop wrote:
    >> It should have an extension, I think. I don't think Apache will
    run it
    >> as a CGI without it...[Perhaps I'm wrong here, I'm really not sure.
    >> Mine does have a .cgi extension.]
    >> As asked earlier: Did you run smokeping in debug mode, and what
    does that show?
    >> ---
    >> I don't believe I've seen any cases where running smokeping in
    >> mode, and watching the logs doesn't give some good hints where the
    >> problems are.
    >> -Greg
    >> GS> it is ../cgi-bin/smokeping   If you look in the cgi-bin
    >> GS> smokeping has not file extension.    Also if I copy the
    .png files fro
    >> GS> /var/lib/smokeping/cache to /srv/www/htdocs/smokeping/cache
    they show up.
    >> GS> I looked in the error logs before I posted the first
    question and the
    >> GS> only error messages there relating to smokeping are several
    does not
    >> GS> exist errors.
    >> GS> Greg
    >> GS> On 8/22/2013 4:40 PM, Gregory Sloop wrote:
    >>>> wouldn't it be
    >>>> ../cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi
    >>>> instead of
    >>>> ../cgi-bin/smokeping/
    >>>> ??
    >>>> If you fix that and it still doesn't work:
    >>>> Does running smokeping in debug mode tell you anything
    >>>> Does looking at the apache logs [especially the error logs]
    tell you
    >>>> anything?
    >>>> -Greg
    >>>> GS> I am trying to setup Smokeping on an OpenSUSE 12.3
    computer I just
    >>>> GS> setup.  I have installed and configured Smokeping as I
    have several
    >>>> GS> times before but this time I an not getting the Graphs to
    >>>> GS> In config I have imgcache =
    /srv/www/htdocs/smokeping/cache   which does
    >>>> GS> exist.  However when I use a browser to go to
    >>>> GS> //localhost/cgi-bin/smokeping I get an error message
    stating that it
    >>>> GS> does not exist.   If I copy the location straight from
    the error page
    >>>> GS> and past it into a browser the folder and its contents
    show up.  If I
    >>>> GS> paste it into Dolphin the same thing.
    >>>> GS> I tried changing the imgcache back to the default imgcache
    >>>> GS> =/var/lib/smokeping/cache.  When I then open a browser
    Smokeping opens
    >>>> GS> but there are no graphs.  If I look in
    /var/lib/smokeping/cache the
    >>>> GS> latest .png files are there.
    >>>> GS> Is there something I am missing?
    >>>> GS> Thanks for any suggestions
    >>>> GS> _______________________________________________
    >>>> GS> smokeping-users mailing list
    >>>> GS>
    >>>> GS>

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