Dear Ioannis

Very kind of you to chime in and to give such detailed feedback. With 
Alessandro's help I am up and running. Well done on getting auth for the 15 Pis!


On 25 Sep 2013, at 14:26, <> wrote:

> Hello Will!
> The contents of the htdocs dir are normally the cgi and fcgi files plus the 
> cropper directory which is a javascript for zooming in your graph pages. I 
> will not get into that right now.
> Leave your basepage.html where you found it. There is no need to change its 
> location.
> What you do need is make sure the reference in the config file is correct 
> (it’s a little lower than the rest of the filepaths in the smokeping config 
> file).
> Since you installed the package (instead of compiling yourself) I would 
> expect all the file references in the config to be correct. Just check to 
> make sure.
> The place where you will be copying the cropper directory is a matter of 
> choice. You can choose to copy it in the webroot directory (probably 
> /var/www/ in that case) or under the smokeping web directory (check your 
> config file to see where that is). There is a cross reference for cropper in 
> the basepage.html file so what you do needs to reflect that. There are 
> absolute references and relative references for that and the graphs in the 
> config and the basepage.html so you need to be careful there. I don’t 
> remember those by heart so get started with the main smokeping features and 
> we can work out cropper later if you still have problems. You will probably 
> go through graph creation issues first (usually file rights issues) before 
> you run into those.
> The cgi files usually go in a separate folder than the rest of the web 
> documents (for example the cropper dir or the smokeping graph images and 
> data). That depends on the distro used. I can’t remember by heart where it is 
> for Debian (rasbian in this case) but it could be under /usr/lib.
> Check those to start with and get back to us for more.
> If you keep running into trouble I may try to reproduce your setup to provide 
> accurate help (I just got my PI back).
> Good luck and keep it up!
> On a personal note let me tell you all that finally my institution approved 
> the purchase of 15 PIs for dispatchable smokeping slaves so I expect to get 
> started on that project sometime in the near feature!
> Best Regards,
> Ioannis.
> From: Alessandro Palermo [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 3:01 PM
> To: Will Brocklebank
> Cc: smokeping-users
> Subject: Re: [smokeping-users] Problem finding the HTDocs file
> All configuration files are in /etc/smokeping/
> The html base is basepage.html
> The /etc/smokeping/config.d/ contains the Target, Probes and Alert files.
> Regards
> On 25 September 2013 08:22, Will Brocklebank <> 
> wrote:
> Dear all - I am an enthusiastic noob so please forgive any inexperienced 
> foolishness ;-)
> I have progressed through the installation procedure on Raspbian and all 
> seems to be running smoothly.
> However, I have hit a problem with firing up the actual web interface. 
> Specifically I do not understand these instructions:
> "There is a sample htdocs directory in your smokeping installation root. Copy 
> its content to the place where your webserver expects its files. There are 
> also two sample cgi scripts showing how to launch the smokeping cgi in your 
> website. The only difference is the file extension. Adjust the paths in the 
> script and you should be ready to go."
> I installed smokeping via apt-get on my Raspberry Pi and now I cannot find 
> any htdocs directory either in the smokeping installation root (for clarity 
> maybe someone could tell me exactly where this is so I can double-check but 
> it isn't in /usr/etc/smokeping) and do not know how to move forward!
> Thanks for all your help!
> Will
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