Title: Re: [smokeping-users] Graph from FPing6 on slave not working
[Top posting]

Check the apache logs on the master and see if Apache is able to write the data from the slaves to the RRD's. [My guess is, it can't.]

Apache [or, more accurately, the user who Apache runs as] will have to have write access to the RRD's. 

This can also be caused by Apparmour, or SELinux. [If the above doesn't fix it, then try running these in permissive mode.]



I use smokeping since a year with a master and a slave configuration, and everything was working fine until today...

I decided to add a FPing6 probes on my config file, with 2 targets, but after few hours the slave's graphs are still empty (the ones from the master are doing great).

I run smokeping from slave with debug, everything looks fine :
FPing6: Executing /usr/bin/fping6 -C 20 -q -B1 -r1 -i10 2001:bc8:328c:fff::42 
FPing6: Got fping output: '2001:bc8:328c:fff::42 : 31.65 31.73 31.70 31.60 31.59 31.74 31.47 31.49 31.59 31.47 32.18 31.61 31.61 31.70 33.20 31.67 31.66 31.59 31.61 31.79'
FPing6: Got fping output: '
ipv6.google.com       : 11.30 11.40 11.29 11.38 11.08 11.19 11.99 11.34 11.26 11.33 11.95 11.37 11.24 11.31 11.28 11.23 11.40 11.39 11.29 11.18'
Sent data to Server. Server said OK

But the graphes are still empty ..

***** Config on master ******
*** Probes ***
+ FPing
binary = /usr/bin/fping
+ EchoPingHttp
pings = 8
+ FPing6
binary = /usr/bin/fping6

*** Targets ***
probe = FPing
menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Hello
slaves = dwight
+ ipv6
menu = ipv6
title = ipv6
alerts = someloss,hostdown
probe = FPing6
++ GLaDOS_ipv6
title = GLaDOS ipv6
host = 2001:bc8:328c:fff::42
menu = GLaDOS ipv6
++ google_ipv6
title = Google ipv6
host = 
menu = Google ipv6

- Smokeping version on master & slave : v2.006008
- Every other graphs from the slave are ok.

Any idea ?

Nicolas G. / meepmeep
[EuropNet.org Admin]

"Procrastinators: Leaders of Tomorrow"

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