Ca se confirme
MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler)

MDI Beats Nebulizer in Emergency Asthma Treatment

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) May 06 - Albuterol delivered via a
metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a holding chamber appears to be more
effective in emergency asthma treatment than the same agent supplied
by a nebulizer, according to researchers at the University of
Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Dr. Kenneth B. Newman and colleagues conducted a prospective
open-label study of the two approaches at a large urban emergency

During the first year of the study, patients were given albuterol via
nebulizer as part of their standard treatment. Over the next 18
months, an MDI with a spacer was the primary method of albuterol

During the MDI phase, the staff also counseled patients on
self-management, gave them a peak expiratory flow (PEF) meter, an MDI
with a spacer, and inhaled steroids for home use. 

Overall, the researchers analyzed data from 1429 patients and 2342
emergency department visits. The findings appeared in the April issue
of Chest. 

Although there were no significant differences in hospitalization
rates between the groups, the MDI group did significantly better on a
number of other measures. 

MDI patients showed a significantly greater improvement in PEF, they
spent significantly less time in the emergency department, and they
were treated with a mean of 1125 mcg of albuterol compared to 6700
mcg in the nebulizer group. They also showed a greater improvement in
arterial oxygen saturation. 

In addition, relapse rates at 14 and 21 days were significantly lower
in the MDI group and were associated with counseling and provision of
PEF meters, MDI equipment, and inhaled steroids. 

In light of these findings, the researchers conclude that "albuterol
administered by MDI/spacer is an efficacious and cost-effective
alternative to nebulization in adults with acute asthma." 

Chest 2002;121:1036-1041. 

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