> Paramedic dies a day after surviving ambulance crash
> Hawaii
> One person hurt after ambulance flips on ice -
> Ontario, Canada
> Three emergency workers got a firsthand look at
> their colleagues in action yesterday after their own
> ambulance hit a patch of ice and rolled more than 42
> metres into a ditch.
> Paramedic Franks Arms has overcome disability and
> become a volunteer to help others
> In 1994, paramedic Frank Arms was was disabled when 
> he was accidentally defibrillated at a call. 
> Bikers participate in poker run - North Carolina
> More than 250 bikers participated, in a poker run to
> benefit injured
> paramedic Tim Hayes.
> Local paramedics compete in statewide contest -
> Florence, South Carolina
> http://morningnewsonline.com/news/MGB3242JSCD.html
> Two local paramedics competed for statewide honors
> this weekend in Myrtle Beach.
> Knowledge helps combat bioterrorism, says expert-
> Florida
> http://www.hernandotoday.com/MGAN22S5SCD.html
>  It was about a year ago. A woman walks into a south
> Florida airport with a shadow of death hanging over
> her head.
> He face was pale, sweaty and puffy. Small pustules
> and open sores covered her frail face and neck. In
> her obviously weakened state, she staggered from one
> check-in point to another.
> Richland paramedics honored at event - South
> Carolina
> Richland County paramedics on Saturday took top
> honors at the state's annual Emergency Medical
> Services Symposia in Myrtle Beach.
> Simmering feud could boil over at ambulance talks -
> Ontario, Canada
> A quiet political feud over ambulance service in the
> Kingston area may break out into open hostilities
> today.
> Springdale fire chief: Give us some credit -
> Connecticut
> Of all the inequities Shawn Fahan sees with the
> joint-coverage arrangement between the Springdale
> Fire Company and Stamford Fire & Rescue, one really
> burns him
> Medics get smart thanks to a dummy - Sharon,
> Pennsylvania
> Man's first aid training helps son - Maryland
> Fire images haunt photographer
> Of all the chilling images from Rhode Island The
> Station holocaust Dan Davidson prays will one day
> leave him in peace, the one he fears will haunt him
> forever is the sight of his rock 'n' roll idol
> frozen in terror as his fans were burning alive.

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