
Mais j'ai quelques questions.

Un patient respire en moyenne 1-1.2 litres d'air par
inspiration, et a une fréquence moyenne de
18-20/minutes (minimum) lorsqu'il requiert une haute
concentration d'oxygène.

Donc nécessité d'un VOLUME gazeux d'au moins 18-24

Si le gyzmo donne 80% avec 8 litres d'oxygène, on peut
donc dire que le patient inspire un VOLUME gazeux de
10 litres.

On a un négatif de 8-14 litres par minute dans le
VOLUME gazeux sur ce que le patient doit inspirer en
fonction de son "required tidal volume" (volume
inspiratoire requis?) et de sa fréqence respiratoire.

Je ne suis pas convaincu que ça soit pertinent en
préhosp, à moins que le litrage/inspiration puisse
être automatiquement ajusté par le masque.

Et si c'est le cas, ça ressemble étrangement à une
valve à demande.


Stéphan Gascon

 --- Charles Brault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> VIASYS Healthcare's Respiratory Technology group
> introduces the
> Hi-Ox80, a New Technology Oxygen Mask developed for
> the treatment of
> patients who require greater than 80% oxygen.
> The Hi-Ox80, developed from a patent pending design,
> is a disposable
> mask that addresses many of the limitations
> associated with
> conventional oxygen masks. Starting with a vinyl
> facemask that has no
> holes for exhalation, dilution of inspired oxygen is
> also limited by
> a better face seal assured by dual head straps
> (above and below the
> ears) and a more anatomic foam lined bridge for the
> nose. Gas flow is
> controlled by three low resistance valves (<1.5
> cmH2O/L/s) that
> direct gas flow to the patient from an inspiratory
> oxygen reservoir
> and from the patient to the room during exhalation.
> Brief treatment with high oxygen concentrations
> greater than 80% has
> been recently reported to have important benefits
> for patients
> undergoing surgical procedures. A recent National
> Institute of Health
> sponsored trial of patients requiring colon-rectal
> surgery reported
> that patients given 80% oxygen during their
> operation and for two
> hours postoperative, had a 50% reduction in
> postoperative infections.
> A second study reported a 43% reduction in
> postoperative nausea and
> vomiting in patients who received >80% oxygen as
> compared to patients
> who only received the typically delivered 30%
> oxygen. There are more
> than 30 million surgical procedures annually in the
> United States.
> Similar benefits for reducing nausea and vomiting
> have been reported
> in randomized controlled trials of transporting
> minor trauma victims
> who are elderly, and in transporting pregnant women.
> The Hi-Ox80 is the only commercially available
> disposable oxygen mask
> capable of delivering >80% oxygen at only 8 liters
> per minute of
> oxygen flow. The ability to deliver high
> concentrations of oxygen at
> one-half to one-third the flow requirements of other
> devices also has
> implications for hospitals and field applications
> where oxygen
> resources are limited by the number of tanks
> available or the flow
> requirements of the patient.
> __________________________________________________
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