Pour votre Info
... et comme on est pas plus cons que les autres

> No 12 lead? I don't understand that either. Could you elaborate? 
> Are they expected to use modified chest leads? 12 leads are 
> insensitive enough without taking a step backwards to 3 leads.

Yep... Modified Chest Leads are the norm here...

We've got a 5-lead monitor that allows use to look at I, II, III,
aVl, aVr, aVf, and V1.  To check V2-V6, we move the electrodes.

One must understand that this is a hospital based system that just
made 120 million in budget cuts... getting 12-leads on the ambulances
is a pipe dream.

Sometimes, we do the best we can with what we have...


Jeff Brosius,
Paramedic, etc.
Échange initial :
> In London we took the option of direct referral to Cath labs rather

> than the(expensive) use of drugs such as tenektaplase.
> So far it seems to be working, with initial scepticism about 
> paramedic ability to read ECGs overcome when a study at the Royal 
> London Hospital showed that paramedics were reading them more 
> accurately than the doctors!
> Regards,
> Stephen.
> Stephen Hines SRPara, Dip IMC RCS (Ed), Dip HE Para Sci
> Paramedic Training Officer
> London, UK
> www.londonambulance.nhs.uk
> http://stephenhines.moonfruit.com/

Here in Denver, we've just started the testing phase for Cardiac
Once the operation is in full swing (August) the hospitals will be
calling the cath team based on the medic's report.  The patient will
then be taken directly to the cath lab.  To summon a Cardiac Alert,
certain criteria must be met (all of the criteria need to be met...)

Quoting from memory a document that I've seen once...

1.  Typical/classic presentation of Chest Pressure, tightness, or
2.  Within a certain age limit (can't guarantee this, but I think it
is 65 or younger.)
3.  Pain less than 6 hours.
4.  Elevation > 2 mm in three or more contiguous leads.
5.  Reciprocal changes in opposite leads.

As of now, there are 4 hospitals that are actively participating. 
I'll let y'all know how things go once it's in full swing.


Jeff Brosius,
Paramedic, etc.

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