Sérieux. Au Delaware, la mort négligente d'un paramédic amène la peine
de mort au criminel.

Stéphan Gascon
Study highlights EMS transport dangers

By Shannon Eliot
EMS1 Editor

A study by the NAEMSP shows that ambulance crashes are more likely to
result in fatalities than those of fire or police vehicles.

LAS VEGAS — Seventy-four percent of EMS worker deaths are
transportation-related, according to new research released by the
National Association of EMS Physicians. Further, ambulance crashes
were shown to be more 27 and 33 percent more fatal than those of their
respective police and fire vehicle counterparts.

The report suggests that an increased willingness by first responders
to stay seated and wear seat belts, combined with a heightened
attentiveness by motorists, could result in a drastic decrease in the
number of fatalities.

"In an ambulance, the single most important thing one can do to
increase survivability or prevent injury is to wear a seatbelt or some
type of restraint," said Ron Thackery, senior vice president of safety
and risk for American Medical Response.

The risks of death and severe injury for EMS personnel are four to six
times higher for unrestrained ambulance occupants than restrained
ones. While EMS workers do need to perform critical patient care —
such as chest compressions — the majority of procedures can be done in
conjunction with a restraint device, according to Thackery.

"If doing chest compressions, it’s going to be difficult anywhere, but
90 percent of typical patient care provided can be done in conjunction
with some sort of restraint," Thackery said.

Despite this statistic, Thackery said only 10 percent of EMS workers
admit to wearing a seatbelt in the back of a vehicle.

"It is much more common for people to wear seat belts in the front [of
the ambulance] than the back," said Thackery. "Seat belt use is
monitored in the front and generally affects airbag activity in the
case of an accident. One solution may be to simply monitor seatbelt
use more efficiently in the back."

Dr. David Slattery, co-author of the NAEMSP study, believes that
advances in ambulance equipment are crucial to improve safety in the
patient compartment, thereby allowing providers to give care as well
as balance and protect themselves in transport.

"Technology is being developed to allow EMS workers to be seated and
restrained — for example, automated chest compression devices — which
allow the medic to sit down as opposed to standing over a patient
performing CPR," Slattery said.

The NAEMSP also reports that failure of an oncoming motorist to yield
to an ambulance is the primary cause of crashes when an ambulance is
employing its lights and sirens.

"Proper positioning of a vehicle is highly important when responding
to a scene," Thackery said. "Most on-scene crashes occur when traffic
in the ambulance lane begins to shift to other lanes. To a motorist
from afar, the ambulance lane suddenly appears open, so he increases
his speed only to ultimately hit the emergency vehicle."

Some states are taking legislative measures to keep their first responders safe.

Following the death of paramedic Michelle Smith in December, the
Delaware state senate passed a bill Tuesday carrying her name that
would make individuals convicted of causing the reckless death of a
paramedic, emergency medical technician, fire marshal, or fire police
officer eligible for capital punishment. The legislation, named for
the 30-year-old paramedic killed while tending to an accident victim
after being struck by a speeding vehicle, would impart any
transgressor with a first-degree murder charge.

"Often, people don’t realize the type of issues that EMS workers
face," said Slattery. "While the work of EMS personnel can be risky by
nature, there is no reason that the risk of occupational death is two
and a half times larger for EMS workers compared to other American

Stéphan Gascon

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