Hi peeps,

I thought this a sad, but also very beautiful post and set of comments by 
artists and users that is well worth a post - it choked me up reading some of 
the comments.

I’ve had Chronometer since my first iPod touch (2nd generation) and Observatory 
since the first iPad. I’m no astronomer or watch obsessive, but nonetheless 
they have always been some of my very favourite apps because they are clearly 
works of love and care and they just look so gorgeous. As a quote I’ve always 
loved said “When love and skill come together expect excellence.”

 It seems like some developers may be taking up the code so there is perhaps a 
silver lining to the cloud, but meanwhile I urge you to sit down with your cup 
of whatever and have a read and marvel.


OH - and Happy Birthday Macintosh! 🖥️ 🎂4️⃣0️⃣👏


You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it. ~ Carl Jung

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