09.08.2016 10:05, Eloy García (PC Actual) пишет:
Hi again!
You don't need to have java installed on your system. This is the
"magic" of a snap package, that you can include anything your
application needs to run properly. I use maven plugin for my
application, so openjdk 8 is installed within the snap package.

Please, create the virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04.
Install - sudo snap install wallpaperdownloader

run wallpaperdownloader in Terminal and pin app

close wallpaperdownloader and launch app from Unity Launcher.
something happening? none!

"Exec=java" try execute Java in the host, but Java is not installed by default.

Your Java in snap placed - $SNAP/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java
Sorry for my english. really only I see a problem?

El 9 ago. 2016 7:31 a. m., "Vasilisc" <vasilisc...@gmail.com
<mailto:vasilisc...@gmail.com>> escribió:

    09.08.2016 07:52, Vasilisc пишет:

        08.08.2016 11:13, Eloy García (PC Actual) пишет:

            Hi! You can take a loot at snappy playpen github repository.
            There is an
            application (wallpaperdownloader) that it is java-based and
            it has a
            desktop icon working fine. This is the URL:


            Best wishes!

            El 8 ago. 2016 9:46 a. m., "Didier Roche"
            <didro...@ubuntu.com <mailto:didro...@ubuntu.com>
            <mailto:didro...@ubuntu.com <mailto:didro...@ubuntu.com>>>


                Le 08/08/2016 à 08:47, Vasilisc a écrit :
                > 08.08.2016 08:50, Didier Roche пишет:
                >> Le 06/08/2016 à 09:47, Vasilisc a écrit :
                >>>> Please help me. If I launch the program in the
                Terminal - well
                >>>> but
                >>>> I can't start program from Unity Launcher.
                >>>> I tried to change parameter Exec in
                >>>> ~/.local/share/applications/app.desktop
                >>>> Exec=app-name
                >>>> Exec=snap-name.app-name
                >>>> Exec=$SNAP/usr/bin/start-script.sh
                >>>> Exec=$snap.$app
                >>>> and studied case



                >>>> but it didn't help.
                >>> suspect lines
                >>> Aug  6 10:20:35 vb gnome-session[2377]:
                >>> As-WARNING **: failed to rescan: Failed to parse


                >>> file: cannot process file of type application/x-desktop
                >> Hey Vasilisc,
                >> You didn't provide your .desktop file in setup/gui/
                directory. Do you
                >> mind doing this?
                >> I suspect your type is different from
                "Type=Application", which it
                >> should be.
                >> Didier
                > I found a problem. My script-wrapper (usr/bin/run.sh)
                run java app
                > #!/bin/bash
                > .... bla-bla-bla ....
                > java -jar -Duser.home=$SNAP_USER_DATA
                > in snapcraft.yaml
                > apps:
                >   languagetool:
                >     command: usr/bin/run.sh
                >     plugs: [network, network-bind, x11, home, unity7]
                > If to attach the java-app to a panel Unity Launcher,
                then the file
                ) will
                > contain.
                > [Desktop Entry]
                > Encoding=UTF-8
                > Version=1.0
                > Type=Application
                > Name=LanguageTool 3.4-SNAPSHOT
                > Icon=org-languagetool-gui-main
                > Exec=java -jar
                > /snap/languagetool/x1/usr/bin/languagetool.jar
                > In a host-system can't execute a command (it's impossible)
                > java -jar -Duser.home=/home/vasilisc/snap/languagetool/x1
                > /snap/languagetool/x1/usr/bin/languagetool.jar
                > I don't know what to do.

                You need to ship yourself your .desktop file, as you
                pointed via the vlc
                desktop file inside the snapcraft source.

                This one will have the correct Exec= after building it
                with snapcraft
                rather then one generated from unity.

                Snapcraft mailing list
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        0) snap install wallpaperdownloader
        81.81 MB / 81.84 MB
        99.97 % 1.74 MB/s

        wallpaperdownloader (stable) 2.1 from 'egarcia' installed

        1) Run java-app wallpaperdownloader in Terminal or Alt+F2

        2) To attach the program on a panel Unity.

        3) cat

        [Desktop Entry]
        Name=WallpaperDownloader V2.1
        Exec=java -jar -Duser.home=/home/vasilisc/snap/wallpaperdownloader/3
        "Exec=java -jar

        If Java is not installed on your system, then you have a problem.
        "Exec=java" - It's not right.

        For example, my script-wrapper can do the useful steps BEFORE
        start of
        the java program.

    Java is not installed by default in Ubuntu 16.04.1
    $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
    Release:        16.04
    Codename:       xenial

    $ java -version
    The program 'java' can be found in the following packages:
     * default-jre
     * gcj-5-jre-headless
     * openjdk-8-jre-headless
     * gcj-4.8-jre-headless
     * gcj-4.9-jre-headless
     * openjdk-9-jre-headless
    Ask your administrator to install one of them

    How will it work "Exec=java"?

    Best regards,

Best regards,

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