Hello folks,

Is there anyone here working on snapd on Arch?

I ask because I recently tried it out on a fresh Arch install and ran into some issues.

Installing snaps works fine in itself, and snap list is able to find the installed snaps. However, these issues arose as soon as I started trying to use them:

  * snap --version lists 'unknown' for snap, snapd and arch

  * all snap-related stuff is placed in /var/lib/snapd/snap instead of /snap
    (fine in itself), but the PATH still contains /snap/bin rather than

      - according to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Snapd#Installing,
        installing a snap should cause it to be mounted to /snap/snapname
        but this doesn't appear to be happening

  * installing my ldc2 snap (`snap install --classic --candidate ldc2`) worked
    fine (it shows up in `snap list` as expected) but if I try to run
    /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/ldc2 directly I get an error message:

        execv failed: No such file or directory

  * attempting to run the actual underlying binary within the snap, i.e.
    /var/lib/snapd/snap/ldc2/current/bin/ldc2 (or any of the other binaries
    there) results in a similar error message:

        -bash: ./ldc2: No such file or directory

Running `file ldc2` on the binary reveals what I would assume is correct information:

    ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically
    linked, interpreter /snap/core/current/lib/x86_64-linux/gnu/ld-2.23.so,
    for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=[I'm not typing this out], not
    stripped, with debug_info

... and uname -m gives x86_64, so I don't think it can be an issue like trying to run a 32-bit package on a 64-bit system (or vice versa).

For comparison I tried installing both hello-world and Michael Hudson-Doyle's go snap. hello-world ran fine (but it is after all only a shell script underneath). The go snap ran into the same issues as my ldc2 snap.

I assume these are known issues, but can anyone advise on what are the fundamental problems here and on whether it's expected to be addressed soon?

Thanks & best wishes,

    -- Joe

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