Today: Current Events



Trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Hooters restaurant chain, a newly formed company today unveiled their plans for a chain of Chinese restaurants with scantily dressed waitresses.

The restaurants will be called "Dim Sum Hooters!"

                                 (Mark Hewitt)


Saudi Arabia's banning of Barbie dolls has brought little reaction from Arab retailers, who say Barbie was never really a popular choice with Saudi kids anyway. To date, the best selling dolls in the country continue to be "Jihad Joe" and "Tickle Me Osama."

                                 (Brad Osberg)


Harvard University researchers have completed the most thorough study yet of the popular Atkins diet. The study concluded that people on a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet are much more likely to slip on ice and kill themselves.

                                 (Tom Sims)



Charles Mims





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