What is the pipes game?

Charles Mims
On Behalf Of Jen --
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 12:10 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Schools Tackle PDA's

I love the pipes game.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Stephanie 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Schools Tackle PDA's

I carry mine everywhere.  I couldn't keep up with what classes I am supposed
to be in without it.  Besides I can play the pipes game on it when I'm
-------Original Message-------
From: The Sandbox Discussion List
Date: Monday, September 22, 2003 7:36:50 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: [Sndbox] Schools Tackle PDA's
PALO ALTO, California (AP) -- In the heart of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto High
School junior Anna Luskin freely uses her cell phone in between classes.
Senior Sean Slattery taps notes into his personal digital assistant as his
teachers give lectures. 
And like many other students, senior Stav Raz has memorized her cell phone
keypad so she doesn't even have to look at it while quietly messaging
friends during class. 
For better or worse, handheld devices and laptops are now seen as essential
back-to-school supplies for students across America. And many schools have
only begun to weigh their educational benefits against their potential for
text messaging, photo swapping, cheating and chatting. 
Nearly a third of American teenagers now carry cell phones. An estimated 7
percent of school districts even provide some students with handheld
computers -- known as PDAs -- thanks in many cases to corporate grants,
according to the U.S. Department of Education. 
Students who bring their own PDAs to school today mostly use them as
organizers and notepads. But many newer models have wireless Internet
access, making it ever more difficult for teachers to detect students
exchanging gossipy notes or test answers. 
If schools haven't addressed the PDA issue yet, "it's something they'll have
to wrestle with in the next couple of years as students bring more of these
kind of gadgets to schools," said John Bailey, director of education
technology for the Department of Education. 
Handheld devices remain verboten in most classrooms, but that doesn't mean
students aren't quietly tapping away under their desks. 
Palo Alto High is ahead of the curve and an exception. Its school board
updated its computer policies in June to include PDAs, basically allowing
their use as long as they don't interfere with class. 
"They're common-sense restrictions," said Chuck Merritt, Palo Alto High's
assistant vice principal. 
When Slattery, the Palo Alto senior, first got his PDA a year ago, teachers
told him to put it away whenever they caught him playing games on it. Now,
he says he uses it only for taking notes and keeping track of assignments. 
He knows he is lucky, because most other schools in the high-tech region and
elsewhere aren't so lenient. 
"It's not that we discourage technology here, but we want the kids to not be
distracted either," said Alice Pearson, an English teacher at East Dubuque
High School in Illinois. Pearson uses a Palm PDA herself to stay organized. 
About 10 percent of the 600 East Dubuque students carry PDAs, said Joe
Ambrosia, the district's technology coordinator. 
Though no formal policy exists, teachers there generally apply the same
rules that they have for computers: no exchange of information between
devices, and no personal e-mail or chatting unless it's part of a class
When East Dubuque does consider a PDA policy, Ambrosia said he'll want to
ban the combination cell phone-PDA models. 
"It shouldn't be so easy to have all these other functions at their
fingertips," he said. "It's hard enough to keep a young teenager on task." 
California and Illinois are among only a handful of states that have lifted
campus bans of cell phones and pagers, which date back to the 1980s when the
devices were considered the tools of drug dealers, not of soccer moms and
their kids. 
A few states now let school districts set their own cell phone policies.
Some have decided to keep bans in place; others restrict usage to before or
after school. 
Schools are adapting in other ways, too. 
Some teachers configure student seats in a U-shape instead of rows, for
easier monitoring of computer screens. They set rules on when laptop screens
can be up or down. They listen for keyboard taps, knowing that if students
are typing a mile a minute during a lecture, they're probably messaging
someone instead of listening. 
And cell phones that ring in class are often confiscated until school's
Schools also have strict rules for when students can use their powerful
graphing calculators, which are often required for advanced math classes and
achievement tests. Newer graphing calculators have better memory, creating
more possibilities for cheating. 
In addition, vendors of educational software have responded to the cheating
potential -- for instance, the Scantron Corp. makes quiz programs for PDAs
that automatically disable the device's infrared beaming function. 
Still, policing the use of these devices "is a new skill in terms of
teachers knowing what to do," said Cari Vaeth, principal of Independence
High School in San Jose, which issued laptops last year to the entire class
of 1,000 sophomores. 
Social studies classes at Independence High are also switching to e-books
instead of regular textbooks. 
Even so, despite some parental protests, cell phones and mobile
communicators remain banned from campus. 
"Cell phones are a huge distraction, so we've continued to stay with the
ban," Vaeth said. "And in an emergency, we could get the student from the
classroom just like we always have." 



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