Botox On The Rise

The number of Botox injections has increased by 50 percent to more than 1 million users in 2002, the year it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Figures for 2003 are still incomplete, but so far Botox is booming, the New York Post reports. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 19 percent of all 2002 Botox users were from the East Coast, while western states made up an additional 30 percent. "I see all walks of life in here, 25-year-olds to women over 80 who don't want to undergo the knife," Dr. Paula Moynahan of New York, who has specialized in Botox injections for more than 10 years, tells the Post. Moynahan says finding the right physician is important, to avoid the "Stepford wife look."


Charles Mims





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