Good responses.

David L.

Ben Franklin:  "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters."

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Tim Harder
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 5:36 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: [Sndbox] Pick one

oh you want a good old fashioned lets pick sides and down and dirty debate?  well heres some   pick one

Thats more like it.... I have to go to Kansas City later this morning to run a horse, but I will give a short
take on all of them.

1how the media and most people glamorize unmoralistic men who cheat on their wives

I don't think that they do. I guess I would need some convincing of that.

2 how people in newyork go out of their way to ban smoking though drugs and same sex partners and street crime take a back seat

If you elect an idiot.... you get an idiot.

3  how their are way too many olsen twins and brittney articles on the list

They are not really the highlight of my day either.... wonder if we could set up a filter? <G>

4 how men never appreciate the inner beauty of women

I bit of an over generalization IMO. I think a lot of women would rather be *right* than be *loved*. They are their own worst enemies.

5 how they are banning the name of Jesus or anything having to do with God on television yet profanity and nudity run rampart

It is an attempt by the left to make us a socialist nation. Our freedom is at stake, people, wake up!

6 how rap music and anything by weirdos like marily manson who tell kids to cut themselves up with razors should be banned

A very bad idea. Banning music would set a very bad precedent and would only serve to glamorize the (so called) music.

7 and finally why dont people keep check registers

Mostly because they are lazy, but also because their ATM machine tells them approximately how much money they have in there.

any of those work?   :))) 

We shall see.... <G>

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