No, I didn't read it yet, and that's what reviewers do..analyze the show.
What use is a review that says...Hmm..enjoyable, it's just a show?

All I know, if it is as has been rumored a show patterned after last seasons
scripts I won't enjoy it.  Last season came close to causing me to abandon
the series.  

Charles Mims

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Greg Hopper
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 11:43 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] FW: Enterprise: "Extinction" - Review - SPOILERS

Did you read that? I wouldn't have had I not seen it already, who wants to
watch a show where you already know everything that's going to happen? lol
Because they didn't leave much if anything out of this one.....although I
don't agree with all their conclusions. If you ask me, they put way too much
into analizing ( spelling ) the show instead of enjoying it. Come on, it's a
TV show. lol I for one, found it enjoyable...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'The Sandbox Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 8:17 PM
Subject: [Sndbox] FW: Enterprise: "Extinction" - Review - SPOILERS

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> "Extinction"
> Story by:  Andre Bormanis
> Teleplay by:  Andre Bormanis
> Directed by:  LeVar Burton
> Synopsis followed by review:
> An alien is chased by what seems to be hunters who are also alien.  They
> catch up with their prey and proceed to burn him alive with what appears
> to be flame-throwers.  Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Trip is still having
> trouble sleeping but the Vulcan-neuro pressure treatments he gets from
> T'Pol are working.  We find him in T'Pol's quarters about to get another
> one when T'Pol is called to the Command Center.
> Archer has been studying the Xindi database and has found the location of
> one of the places the Xindi visited before being attacked by the marauders
> in the previous episode.  Arriving at the planet, scans reveal no humanoid
> lifeforms but locate a ship on the surface.  Archer, T'Pol, Reed and Hoshi
> go by shuttlepod to the planet to investigate.  There they find the
> charred remains of two aliens and a ship.
> Reed starts feeling sick and gradually starts to transform into some sort
> of alien being.  T'Pol also changes slightly but is for the most part
> unaffected.  Hoshi and Archer also change.  They all chase after T'Pol,
> capture her and carry her with them.  Before this, T'Pol had managed to
> contact the ship to tell them that the Captain and the others had been
> altered.  Trip and crew scan the planet but only a Vulcan is found and
> three aliens.  Phlox suggests that this is what T'Pol must have meant when
> she contacted the ship to tell them Archer and the others had been
> changed.  Meanwhile, T'Pol manages to convince Hoshi to let her have the
> universal translator and is thus able to communicate with Archer who now
> speaks an alien language as do the others.
> Tucker and two MACO soldiers go to the planet in EVA suits and manage to
> take down the alien Reed.  They take him back to the ship where Dr. Phlox
> determines that he has been infected by a mutagenic virus "apparently
> designed to rewrite the DNA of its host to transform the humanoid it
> infects into another species".  T'Pol is virtually immune because of her
> Vulcan K cells which neutralize the pathogen.  Phlox tells Trip he needs a
> sample of T'Pol's DNA if he is to develop an antivirus.
> Two alien vessels intercept Enterprise and the captain tells Trip who is
> in command that they are in restricted space.  He also tells Tucker that
> they have scanned the ship and know that there is a sick person with the
> virus on board and that they want to quarantine the ship.  They tell Trip
> that they will board Enterprise and that the "infected organism must be
> eradicated".  Trip tells the alien captain that he will talk to him and
> invites him to come to Enterprise but warns him that if they board the
> ship, they will "have one hell of a fight on their hands".  When on board
> the alien captain tells Trip that the virus was engineered by a race
> called the Loque-eque and that due to something that happened in the past,
> the species became sterile.  They created the mutagen to prevent their
> extinction as the mutagen alters species into their own.  The captain
> tells Trip that they can't risk an epidemic.
> On the planet, the altered Archer dreams of a city called Urquat.  He and
> Hoshi want desperately to go to it.  This urge to return to the city was
> built into the pathogen.  Meanwhile, the alien ship launches a shuttlepod.
> Their intent is clear, to destroy those infected on the planet.  The alien
> captain tells his men to capture the Vulcan female but kill the others.
> The changed Archer and Hoshi along with T'Pol arrive at the city but find
> only ruins.  The aliens arrive and find them.  They surround them but just
> then Trip and the MACOs arrive, having beamed down and stun the alien
> soldiers.  T'Pol convinces the altered Archer and Hoshi to go with them to
> Enterprise.  Luckily, Phlox has developed a cure.  The alien captain hails
> Enterprise and Archer, who is now almost back to normal, tells the captain
> that there is a cure and that he will share it with them.  After they
> leave, Archer visits sickbay and tells Phlox to preserve the virus as it
> is the only remnant of the extinct species.
> Review:
> Firstly, I have to commend Levar Burton on his direction of this episode
> considering the material he had to work with.  He manages to keep a good
> pace throughout and his direction of the actors is also noteworthy.  I
> also have to praise Scott Bakula, Linda Park and Dominic Keating for their
> acting.  How they were able to keep a straight face throughout all this is
> a wonder.  Still they don't come off as ridiculously as one would expect
> from such characterization.  Normally, I would have cringed at the
> squeaking and alien language spoken by the altered Archer, Reed and Hoshi
> but they manage to pull it off albeit it is embarrassing to watch at
> times.
> I have mixed feelings about how this played out.  On the one hand, I can't
> help but wonder how such a supposedly advanced species could be so ape-
> like in their behavior and yet have achieved what looked like an advanced
> civilization but at the same time I could see how it would take a while to
> adjust to such an abrupt change and so they wouldn't be so civilized in
> their behavior all at once.
> And this brings up another problem, how easily Archer et al changed and
> how quickly they reverted back to normal.  This kind of writing was
> acceptable in the TOS and TNG days but today is too simple and in the end
> way too predictable.  That kind of quick and easy storytelling isn't
> believable anymore.  Viewers will still suspend disbelief up to a point
> but not when it's been done before too many times.
> The musical score (Velton Ray Bunch) is also noteworthy as it is original
> and fresh; the visual effects are good but not outstanding as we've seen
> this kind of thing before for instance when Archer metamorphoses into the
> alien species and the city scape looked rather fake.  Still, the makeup
> was excellent.
> This episode suffers from the usual problems found in most Trek shows of
> this type.  It's been done before for one thing (TNG's "Identity Crisis"
> for example ironically enough with Levar Burton as the main actor who
> changes into a new species due to a parasite and must return to the planet
> where he was infected and Brannon Braga as the writer) and the outcome is
> more than predictable.  There is some continuity in that Archer is still
> studying the Xindi database and is still trying to find the Xindi
> homeworld.  It doesn't hurt to take a detour from the story arc as such
> but it has to be more unusual and new for it to add to the storyline and
> be interesting.
> The basic idea of a species altering others to become like them in order
> to prevent extinction is intriguing nonetheless and I wish the altered
> Archer and others had been more resistant to being changed back and had
> been more intelligent in their behavior and in what they were seeking.
> Still, I like the idea of an alien  species that cannot reproduce finding
> a way or process (in this case a virus) to pass on its genetic makeup by
> altering another species to make it its own.  It's an intriguing idea but
> it gets thrown away here by having the altered Archer and others be too,
> for the lack of a better word, stupid.
> A couple of things add to the ruthlessness of the containment patrols.
> They kill one of their own when his suit becomes damaged and he as such
> becomes infected.  Also the use of flame throwers does add to the era we
> are dealing with although phasers set to kill would do the job just as
> well somehow.  Still, would they disintegrate their target as they do in
> the future?
> It was fun to watch Trip and company use the transporter and I hope it
> continues to be used on and off.  There's another nice little touch of
> continuity when T'Pol tells Trip that he said he wouldn't use transporters
> again.
> Lastly, I don't know what to think about the Trip/T'Pol relationship.  How
> he can be so reserved when she is wearing her low cut (in more ways than
> one) pygammas is a little hard to believe.  He is very heterosexual and
> being in space for so long without any, let's say, interaction with the
> opposite sex, it's hard to fathom that he would be _comfortable_ with
> T'Pol in such an intimate (let's face it it is) touchy/feely situation.  I
> doubt I'm in the majority but I find it humorous and somewhat titillating
> to watch them together.  He complains about her cold hands and states that
> he is ticklish.  I don't know why but he is very appealing to me in his
> _innocence_ however unbelievable it is.  Still, this is already getting
> old so I hope they drop it sooner than later.
> I give this one a C+.  The + for Bakula's, Park's and Keating's efforts.
> Gisele La Roche
> [>>Charles<<]
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