Yeah I noticed her worse half was here in Arkansas not 28 miles from me Saturday morning, then flew out of Hot Springs Saturday afternoon.....thanks to a fat cat lawyer from
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: [Sndbox] Hillary Warns Californians: Arnold is a Right-winger

Hillary Warns Californians: Arnold is a Right-winger

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton warned Californians on Friday that GOP gubernatorial front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger is part of a right-wing stampede hell-bent on taking over California the same way they've taken over the nation.

"Let's make it absolutely clear that California is not going to be stampeded by the same right-wingers that gave us the election in Florida and are trying to do things that are really against our interest," Clinton told a West Hollywood "women's rally" for incumbent Gov. Gray Davis via telephone.

Sen. Clinton branded Schwarzenegger with the right-wing label even though the former movie actor takes the liberal position on a wide array of issues near and dear to Democrats, such as abortion-rights and gun control.

She blamed ballooning budget deficits that have plagued Gov. Davis on the "miserable leadership in Washington," according to quotes picked up by Reuters.


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