Did Galileo invent the telescope?

Contrary to popular belief, the famous Italian astronomer and scientist did not invent the telescope. But he did make the telescope better.

Hans Lippershey, who made eyeglasses in the Netherlands, invented the telescope in 1608. He wanted to see things far away--on land--so he putting together existing technology with his imagination, he came up with the telescope.

The Dutch government tried to keep his new invention under wraps, but Lippershey's secret was soon uncovered. When Galileo Galilei heard about it, he built his own. Galileo's telescope was three times (3x) more powerful than Lippershey's, and Galileo had the idea of turning the new device towards the night sky for research. In 1611, he saw Ganymede, Io, Europe, and Callisto--proof that Jupiter had moons and that Earth wasn't the center of the universe (or even the solar system).

People have come to believe that Galileo invented the telescope because of all the discoveries he made with it. However. he did invent many other things, including, somewhat ironically, the microscope, which we use for exploring inner space. But the true inventor of the telescope was Holland's Hans Lippershey.


Charles Mims






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