Title: A Little Less Talk, A Lot More Action

A Little Less Talk, A Lot More Action
John 6:60-69

Charles Mims

Consider this: The Lord's Prayer contains 56 words; the Gettysburg Address, 266; the Declaration of Independence, 300; and a recent U.S. government order setting the price of cabbage, 26,911. The author goes on to say, "It's not how long we talk, it's what we say that is so important."

I read this the other day, "We all talk to ourselves at a rate of approximately 1,200 words a minute. That's 'self-talk' or thinking." 1 No wonder we don't listen today, no one can get a word in!

I've met men of many words as well as men of few words. The power of persuasion is in the words themselves, not in the amount. Jesus was a man of few words, or at least in comparison to the volume of words that have been written and spoken about His life. The power of His words rests not in the amount but the truth they convey.

In the words of the gospel writers what do we see? I believe we must see Jesus. We must see a face of love shining through, not merely ideas, not just doctrines, but Jesus Himself ... sufficient for all our needs)

John shows us Jesus in the 6th chapter of his gospel.

·  Jesus' concern for His immediate 12. 

·  Jesus' concern for the multitudes. 

·  Jesus' miraculous meal feeds 5,000.

·  Jesus' control over nature ... walks on water and calms the sea. 

Side Line Note: What was the purpose of these miracles? Was Jesus just showing off? Was He merely meeting needs? 

I believe these miracles . . .

  • Reveals a God who cares.
  • Affirms who Jesus really was ... God in the flesh.

Only God was attributed to feeding the hungry and calming the raging sea in the OT.

Psalms 146:7 Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners.

Psalms 107:29 He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.


God through Jesus reveals what He longs to do in the human heart.

  • Blind Healed = New Vision
  • Lame Healed = New Power
  • Water to Wine = Drudgery of life to New Living
  • Raising of Dead = New Life & Eternal Life
  • Feeding of bread = Satisfies the believers' heart

Jesus longs to bring a spiritual revolution to our hearts and lives. He poses the Inescapable Challenge ... you can't sit on the fence forever! The miracles of Jesus challenge us to change.

The life of Jesus was often marked by controversy because many who heard His words found them hard and difficult to accept.

The   Religious Leaders were uncomfortable with Jesus' self-designation of the "Bread of Life ... Living Bread from Heaven." (vs. 48,51) Many of them already saw Jesus as bad news and these words were icing on the cake. They saw Jesus as a threat to their "theology" and their way of life.

Do we see Jesus as a threat to our lifestyle, desires, demands, or even our theology? When Jesus reveals Himself to us is He upsetting the apple cart?


Even some of the followers of Jesus found His words disturbing and offensive. It was just too much when He spoke of having to eat His flesh and drink His blood, for the establishment of eternal life (vs.53-58). Jesus recognizing their displeasure asks, "Does this offend you?" 

The value of Jesus' words are not found in the amount of words, but in the truth they proclaim. Jesus seeing those who were have trouble with His words proclaims His words are spirit and life (vs. 63) filled and many would not believe in them.

John 6:66 From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.

They went back to the same old life, same old religion, and the same old hopeless situation Jesus was striving to save them from. "Time and again it is not the intellectual difficulty which keeps men from becoming Christians; it is the height of Christ's moral demand." 2

  • Demands a Surrender to Christ & His Authority
  • Demands a Moral Standard of the highest level

A pastor once said he met a Hebrew Textual Scholar while visiting the city of Jerusalem in Israel. This man who taught and studied Hebrew also ran a small shop with his wife. As Jim visited with the man in their shop they began to talk about the Old Testament. When the book of Isaiah entered the conversation Jim pointed out the truth of the Messiah to come. Being the man was a textual scholar Jim asked the man if he knew that one of the signs of the coming Messiah would be to open the eyes of the blind. The man affirmed that sign. Jim went on to question the man if He knew in the New Testament Jesus' claim to be the Messiah was backed up by being the only person in the New Testament to heal the blind? To that the man replied, "Can I help you with anything else?" Conversation ended!

To this day many refuse to follow Christ, not because of intellect, but because He challenges them to get off the fence of indecision and to come and follow. They find it hard to accept the truth of Jesus being God in the flesh, and dying for their sins, and their need of faith in Him. When the truths of Christ are pressed many people turn away from Him.


Watching so many walk away, Jesus turns to the twelve asking a penetrating question . . . "DO YOU ALSO WANT TO GO AWAY?" Peter so eloquently states the obvious. "Lord where would we go? You hold the words of eternal life." Peter understood Jesus to be speaking about spiritual matters and not literal flesh and blood. Peter knew of no other person who could speak the words of life and back them up, like Jesus could. He saw the miracles, works, and words of Jesus as positive claim to being the Son of God (vs. 69).

What about you? What about me? Do we find the demands of following Jesus repulsive and offensive? Is the demand of surrender too much? Does His high moral standard cause us to shrink away?

"The claims of Christ are still tests of faith. They are still producing crises in the lives of His followers. They are dividing the false from the true." 3 Christianity is not a philosophy to be embraced, nor a theory to be tested. It is a personal response to Jesus Christ. How are you responding to the life and words of Jesus?


Jesus not only speaks the words of life, He hold the words of life eternal. When Jesus speaks in John 14, "I am the way, the truth, the life and no man comes to the Father accept through Me." these are words of truth.

Jesus is a man of few words. Do not judge them by the amount but the truth they contain. Are you willing to admit your need of Jesus and come to the Savior? Are you willing to admit, Christians Jesus still holds the words of life and you need to come to Him for refreshment?

Let me challenge you with the words of Peter ... "Lord, to whom shall we go?" Who else do you know that can speak words of life and back them up? If you know of no one, you need to come to Jesus.

Prayer: Lord we listen to too many words. Words that often take us further away from you than we will admit. Help us confess listening to those other words, rather than Your words. Your words are life. Let us choose life in this day by listening to You. Speak Lord for Your servants are listening. Amen



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