What about the weapons?  We fooled around for months playing the UN game.  Long convoys of trucks were seen headed out of Iraq into Syria the months prior to the war.  What about the weapons?  David Kay said in his report that there is hard evidence of a weapons program, just no weapons to show for it.  So the media and the left have decreed there were no weapons.  So tell me, was Hussein just running the weapons program (for which Kay's report presented evidence) just as a hobby?
I don't suppose it's conceivable that those weapons are safely ensconced in Syria right now?
I don't see how you can buy that the presence of WMD was a bill of goods.  We *KNOW* he had them.  When Clinton was president he declared more than once that we knew he had them.  We know he used them against his own people.  Where did they go?  Did they disappear?  The question isn't did he have them, the evidence is overwhelming he did.  The question is where did he hide them.
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Harder
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 9:41 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Two Iraqi WMD scientists shot for helping U.S.-Kay

I see your point, but what about the Weapons... At the least .... "they were
over rated".... The weapons were the bill of goods we were sold. That is
all you are going to hear about in the election.... I don't agree 100% on the
media thing... I think FOX does the best it can to put a positive spin on what
is going on in Iraq... Their ratings are right up there with any other network.
I won't speak for you Charles, but I often only hear the negative stuff on an
administration that I support. The good stuff ... I am like "yeah"... "that is just
fact" and I don't consider it inflamatory so I don't give it as much weight.
I remember when I was a kid... My parents were big supporters of Reagan,
so, so was I. All I remember is how it was said he "was a war monger and hated
poor people"... Yet he won re-election in a land slide and I think is being and
will continue to be treated kindly in the history books... I guess what it all boils
down to is that I think Bush is in trouble...


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