Can anyone guess  what my biggest blessing in life is thus far?
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 5:33 AM
Subject: [Sndbox] What kinds of blessings does God send our way?

What kinds of blessings does God send our way?

The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 9:9

Troubles come with a multitude of names—accidents, afflictions, bereavement, calamities, difficulties, disappointments, tribulations, troubles, or woes. Adversity literally means "something acting against you." Nowhere is this concept more clearly presented than in the Bible, which makes it clear that God himself sometimes sends adversity either as a punishment for sin or simply as a way to test and strengthen our character. Other times Satan sends adversity to try to get us to sin. And God allows it. And sometimes we bring adversity on ourselves by acting foolishly or sinfully. And finally, there is the adversity that comes out of nowhere through no fault of our own. The one thing you can count on about adversity is that it will come. We all have troubles, so it is not a matter of will we or won't we—the issue is what we will do with adversity when it comes.

All scripture is from the New Living Translation (Tyndale House Publishers, 1996).
Charles Mims


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