L.A. Times Caught Lying Again: Davis Hack Is Behind Attack

The insanely pro-Democrat Los Angeles Times has been exposed once again. LA Weekly has found plenty of holes in the rag's story Saturday about three more women accusing Arnold Schwarzenegger of sexual misconduct.

The Times, which also specializes in leftward-biased polls, claims that none of Schwarzenegger’s opponents prompted the accusations. However, LA Weekly columnist Bill Bradley notes:

One of the three women in the story says she came forward at the urging of Jodie Evans, described by the Times as a peace activist and "co-founder of the women’s peace group Code Pink." At best, this is an incomplete, misleading description.

Here’s what the newspaper should have said about Evans. She is actually a former close colleague of Gov. Gray Davis, a longtime Democratic operative and a friend of noted Democratic hit man Bob Mulholland. Evans is also the ex-wife of Westside financier Max Palevsky, the man who gave Gray Davis his first job in politics as the fund-raiser in Tom Bradley’s 1973 mayoral campaign.

Oops! Someone should have told John Carroll, the Times editor and anti-bias crusader.

Evans worked closely with Davis in the administration of Gov. Jerry Brown. While Davis served as Brown’s chief of staff, Evans was Brown’s chief fund-raiser and director of administration in the governor’s office.

Why didn’t the Times give an accurate description of Evans, who has pushed at least one woman to come forward with last-minute charges? On the campaign bus outside Fresno just now, I asked veteran Times columnist George Skelton, who acknowledges the reality of Evans’ deep ties to Davis and the Democrats, why the Times described her so disingenuously.

"Maybe the reporters and editors just didn’t know," he says.

The Times is presenting itself authoritatively on these matters. If the Times doesn’t know where the stories are coming from, what else does it not know? If the Times is not ignorant about these connections, that is a whole different kettle of fish.

As most Californians know by now, Davis is the champion of negative campaigning and has nearly perfected the strategy of last-minute allegations breaking in the final days of the campaign. It should not be surprising to Times Mirror Square that his fingerprints appear on at least the latest story.

Bradley, by the way, tried to arrange a debate between Schwarzenegger and Davis, which could only have helped the increasingly desperate Davis.

Times Pays for Its Bias

Hooray: A thousand readers disgusted with the rag's extreme bias have canceled their subscriptions, and hundreds of others have flooded it with angry letters, phone calls and e-mails, according to Reuters.

Schwarzenegger has noted the Times is working with its beloved corrupt incumbent, Gray Davis, in an orchestrated campaign of "puke politics" intended to destroy him.

One reader, Bill Agee, said the rag's stories were dropped "like stink bombs at the last moment to ruin the momentum [Schwarzenegger has] got."

The hacks at the Times still fail to give satisfactory explanations about why they attack Schwarzenegger so prominently for claims of mere groping but buried news of alleged rape by Bill Clinton.


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