Hopefully the batch of cookies cooking now and the next one ( which will be the last, made 3 batches total ) will come out as good as the first one. The first batch came out perfect, wrapped all of them but one for the bake sale. It broke up in trying to get it off the cookie sheet, so I ate it. ROFL Hey gotta sample the cooking eh? lol
I'm making a batch of White Chocolate/Macadamia Nut & a batch of Chocolate Chunk/Pecan. I was afraid I would burn them or something, mean I've been cooking since I was Nicole's age and can cook about anything. But this is a first for a bake sale or something, color me nervous. ROFL
Tell you what I caught when I went to wrap them, I wish I had of caught in the store. The saran wrap I got was holiday wrap, it's pink. ROFL Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr big nice, pretty cookies.....in pink wrap. Oh well......lol 
Greg Hopper
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in

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