A Bloody Good Meal ---------------------

LONDON - A Scottish man was jailed for life because he
killed his best friend, drank his blood and ate part of his
skull.  Apparently, he was a tad obsessed with vampires. 
Allan Menzies told the High Court in Edinburgh, Scotland,
that he had made a pact with the female vampire, Akasha,
from the 2002 horror film "Queen of the Damned" and stabbed
his friend Thomas McKendrick to death in the hopes of becom-
ing immortal.  He said that the character Akasha, played by
the late singer Aaliyah, had visited his home and told him
to go through with the killing.  A judge sentenced Menzies
to at least 18 years without parole, calling him an "evil,
violent and highly dangerous man who is not fit to be at

Greg Hopper
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in

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