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Title: Insider Report

Oct. 12, 2003

Insider Report from NewsMax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Dick Cheney's Home Hospital Room
2. Cuban Support in Meltdown
3. Mel Martinez to Florida?
4. CIA Wars, Bush and Amb. Wilson's Wife

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1. Dick Cheney's Home Hospital Room

The neighbors all around the vice president's residence on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington have been up in arms about underground dynamiting.

Explosions have rocked the neighbors' homes, reports say. The mystery of the explosions, Vanity Fair suggests, is a nuclear proof bunker being built for the vice president and his family.

More goings on at the Cheney residence. A Washington insider close to the FBI tells NewsMax that Cheney has a fully equipped hospital emergency room in his home, just in case of a medical emergency.

While Cheney has been in good health since his last heart attack, suffered just after the 2000 election, he's leaving nothing to chance.

There will be no need for paramedics and screaming ambulance sirens if Cheney gets chest pains again.

Instead, he can go right into the hospital room.

"They can even operate there," a source claimed. The source says they had not seen the room but spoke to people who have.

The 61-year-old Cheney has suffered four heart attacks, the first in 1978.

Now, Cheney goes for regular electro-cardiogram (EKG) exams to measure his heart rhythm.

He also has a "pacemaker plus" implanted in him, which monitors any irregular heartbeat. The device can also work as a defibrillator to slow or quicken his heartbeat.

2. Cuban Support in Meltdown

President Bush's announcement Friday that the U.S. was stepping up pressure on Castro's Cuba, and would even plan for a free Cuba, may be a sign of administration desperation.

Press reports have noted that Bush won the election by a slim electoral margin, and the slimmest of margins in Florida.

The Cuban-American vote, which has been voting increasingly Democratic in recent years (it went for Clinton twice), went heavily for Bush after the Elian affair.

Since the 2000 election, the administration has taken the Cuban vote for granted, Cuban-American leaders in Miami say.

Now, the Cuban vote is far from assured. Some in the Cuban American community thought that Castro, long on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsors, would be among the first targeted after 9/11.

But Castro has become bolder since 9/11.

At home, suppression had increased. Throughout Latin America, Castro continues to be the nexus of revolution. His agents are the architects of Hugo Chavez's takeover of oil rich Venezuela.

Cuban Americans believe the Bush administration actions are too little too late.

3. Mel Martinez to Florida?

Joining President Bush at his press conference on Cuba was HUD Secretary Mel Martinez.

Mel, from Orlando, is the highest-ranking Cuban-American in the U.S. government.

Picking Martinez made good sense.

But there may be other reasons.

The Florida Senate race is considered wide open next year. Sen. Bob Graham hasn't decided if he will run. Even if he does, he's considered vulnerable after a disastrous White House bid.

The leading Republican, Congressman Mark Foley of Palm Beach, decided to withdraw from the race last month.

With the state critically important for Bush's re-election, and the Cuban vote again in some doubt, administration officials may be promoting Martinez in preparation for a Senate bid.

Martinez had little interest in running when Foley was in the race. A top Florida Republican operative tells NewsMax that the administration has been encouraging him to run. With the Cuban vote in doubt, they may need Mel.

4. CIA Wars, Bush and Amb. Wilson's Wife

A CIA official tells NewsMax that anger over the revelation that Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was outed -- is nonsense.

Even if Plame was an undercover operative, the agency regularly moves such operatives out of deep cover if the operative's spouse becomes very high profile.

This is done exactly because of concerns we are seeing in the current controversy.

What is clear is that Plame is no "secret agent" and the revelation of her identity by Newsday and Robert Novak has caused neither her nor her country harm.

Our CIA source says the continuing controversy over Plame stems more from the Bush administration's failure to clean house at the CIA of Clinton-Gore careerists that still dominate there.

But the CIA is not the only problem, Clinton-Gore careerists still run State, Defense and most other agencies. Why the administration has dragged its feet in cleaning house and appointing their own people, as all previous administrations have done, is not clear.

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