Probabilities in the P.A.: Abu Ala Resigned, Arafat is Ill

Conflicting reports are emanating from the PA regarding at least two developing stories. In one, PA senior Saeb Erekat says that newly-appointed prime minister Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) submitted his resignation to Yasser Arafat this afternoon - while PA official Nabil Abu Rodeina later denied this in an interview with Qatar-based Al Jazeera television.

Rodeina's denial notwithstanding, Abu Ala and Arafat appear to be at odds over the appointment of Nasser Yousef as Interior Minister in the PA, and in general, Qurei had had a difficult time forming his cabinet. If the resignation becomes final, Abu Ala will thus have followed in the tracks of Abu Mazen, who resigned the same position just over a month ago.

In addition, murky reports of Arafat's ill health continue to circulate, as do denials of such. One PA official told the A-Sharq al-Aussat newspaper in London that Arafat is suffering from a growth in his large intestine that could be malignant, that he requires an urgent operation, that he has been vomiting and suffering from diarrhea, and that "his condition is worse than that of the Pope." Other PA officials, in keeping with similar regimes in similar situations, say that the arch-terrorist-turned-PA Chairman is merely recovering from a virus.
Charles Mims

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