'Clinton's Women' Wanted to Be Molested, Columnist Says

Mary Jo Melone, a columnist for the left-wing St. Petersburg Times, says it's impossible to compare Bill Clinton the rapist to Arnold Schwarzenegger the groper because "Clinton's women wanted him."

In a hysterical 627-word tantrum denouncing the male and female voters who "elected a serial groper," Melone rages, "Whatever were they thinking?"

As the campaign ended, we heard Schwarzenegger compared to the illustrious and sexually industrious Bill Clinton. You know what followed. If Clinton could be forgiven, why not Schwarzenegger?

There was a difference, if not in their conduct than in their choices. Clinton's women wanted him.

Will Melone have the nerve to break her exciting news flash to Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Kimberly Moore, Chrystine Zercher ...


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