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13 October 2003
Federalist No. 03-42
Monday Brief

The Foundation
ICTUS Imprimis
The Gipper
Opinion in Brief
Re: The Left
Political Futures
For the Record
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government. It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks; it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws; to the protection of property against those irregular and high-handed combinations which sometimes interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to the security of liberty against the enterprises and assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy." --Alexander Hamilton


"We have seen freedom's power in Europe and Asia and Africa and Latin America, and we will see freedom's power in the Middle East... Every person in every culture has the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America owns the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but the ideals they proclaim belong to all mankind." --President George W. Bush


"Just two days before Columbus sighted land, his men were on the verge of mutiny. They had sailed the longest voyage ever out of the sight of land and wanted to turn back. The entry in Columbus' Journal, October 10, 1492, stated: 'Here the people could stand it no longer and complained of the long voyage; but the Admiral cheered them as best he could, holding out good hope of the advantages they would have. He added that it was useless to complain. He had come to the Indies, and so had to continue until he found them, with the help of Our Lord'." --Bill Federer


Parents must be given options and choices. Real choices. But don’t expect the public school bureaucracy and the teacher unions to allow it without a fight. No matter how dangerous the school, academic choice is not an option they will consider....True choice enables parents not only to demand safety, but empowers them -- through the threat of lost revenues -- to vote with their feet when the school doesn’t change. This is the point when the apologists for public schools will argue we need 'good kids' and 'good families' in these dangerous schools so the culture can be improved. They will say we cannot 'let' these good kids abandon the schools. Sorry, but the life of my child is more valuable than a social experiment. No child should be left in failing, dangerous schools to appease anyone’s social conscience." --Michael Quinn Sullivan


"In a public school in St. Louis, a teacher spotted the suspect, fourth-grader Raymond Raines, bowing his head in prayer before lunch. The teacher stormed to Raymond's table, ordered him to stop immediately and sent him to the principal's office. The principal informed the young malefactor that praying was not allowed in school. When Raymond was again caught praying before meals on three separate occasions, he was segregated from other students, ridiculed in front of his classmates, and finally sentenced to a week's detention. ... In another display of tolerance at Lynn Lucas Middle School, school administrators snatched three students' books with covers displaying the Ten Commandments, ripped the covers off, threw them in the garbage, and told the students that the Ten Commandments constituted 'hate speech.' (Also, it would be insensitive to expose the Ten Commandments to students who had never been taught to count to 10.)" --Ann Coulter


"[T]his battle is a battle of civilizations. One civilization believes in liberty and one does not. The problem is that the civilization that has liberty has not produced anywhere the depth of belief in liberty that the opponents of liberty have produced. That is why most Europeans (and their supporters in America on the Left) see dying or killing for almost anything as pointless. When you don't believe in anything except not dying, you don't really believe in anything. For this reason, European civilization is in peril. The great question mark is America. America is already in the midst of a civil war, thankfully still non-violent. It is between those who fervently believe in America and in Judeo-Christian revelation and those who fervently believe in neither. If the former win, the Islamic totalitarian threat, like the totalitarian threats before it, will be vanquished. If the latter -- as represented by the Left, many Democratic Party leaders, pacifists, the cultural elite, and academia -- win, liberty will have been nothing more than an aberration that lasted a few hundred years." --Dennis Prager


"We've heard a great deal about Republican 'fat cats,' and how the Republicans are the party of big contributions. I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist.'" --Ronald Reagan


"Let me remind you that nowhere in the writings of the Founding Fathers is there anything about 'managing the economy.' Our Founders wanted to promote prosperity. So they set about ensuring that government would be small, frugal, impartial, and moral. We became rich because government, in Jefferson's words, would not 'take from the mouth of labor the bread it had earned.' If we abandon the Founders' mores, no economic policy can keep us out of the poorhouse." --Malcolm Wallp


"Marriage is a quintessential state issue. The Defense of Marriage Act goes as far as is necessary in codifying the federal legal status and parameters of marriage. A constitutional amendment is both unnecessary and needlessly intrusive and punitive.... Make no mistake, I do not support same-sex marriages. But I am also a firm believer that the Constitution is no place for forcing social policies on states, especially in this case, where states must have the latitude to do as their citizens see fit.... Restoring stability to (two-parent nuclear) families is a tough problem, and requires careful, thoughtful and, yes, tough solutions. But homosexual couples seeking to marry did not cause this problem, and the Federal Marriage Amendment cannot be the solution." --Friend of The Federalist Bob Barr


"In characteristic fashion, the Democrats are piling on -- now Lieberman, now Dean and now Clark. The party has lost its birthright, has no soul, consists only of splintered interest groups and consequently has no critical mass. This is a party two-thirds of whose members cannot name a single one of the 10 presidential wannabes -- those wannabes, such gravitas do they have, listing at the Baltimore debate (for instance) their favorite popular songs. A party of monstrous egos such as Clark's, Clinton's and Teddy Kennedy's. Yet a party careening left, the remains of whose soul may reside in precisely the candidate it can neither nominate nor elect -- Joe Lieberman. He has warned that the party risks being captured by the 'far ideological left' and vowed: 'I'm not going to stand back and let this party be taken over by people who would bring us to the political wilderness again.' Maybe not. But the operative question remains: Are the likes of Kerry, Dean, Clark, and (prospectively) Hillary prudent guides for leading the party out of the wilderness - or in?" --Ross Mackenzie


"Hospitals are open. Schools are open. Children are back at school. Iraqis are taking more and more responsibility for their security. There is a flourishing free press with over 160 Iraqi newspapers that have started up since liberation. ... Ninety-five percent of the country is at peace and returning to normal daily life. ... Iraq is now a central front in the war on terror [and serves] as a model for the region.... If we choose to ignore terrorists in Iraq, we will wind up hearing from them on our own soil. That is why success in the reconstruction of Iraq is so critical." --Dan Senor, senior adviser to L. Paul Bremer, U.S. interim Iraqi administrator


"The U.S. State Department Web site features a page linking to 'famous speeches' of American history, including Patrick Henry's 'Give me liberty or give me death,' Washington's Farewell Address and Lincoln's Gettysburg address. But the choice of more-recent orators is, shall we say, somewhat limited. It includes...FDR, JFK, LBJ, Carter and Clinton--five of the seven Democrats who served in the White House during the 20th century--and even a speech by Hillary Clinton. But there's nothing from Eisenhower, Reagan, either Bush -- or, for that matter, from any Republican other than Lincoln." --James Taranto
Editor's Note: Not to worry, The Federalist-sponsored site, [ http://www.Reagan2000.com ] has the most important presidential speeches in the last 50 years, and the rest can be found on our historic documents page [ http://federalist.com/histdocs/ ].

(Our servers automatically delete "Reply" messages to this e-mail. To submit comments for publication, link to -- http://Federalist.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please hold your comments to 75 words if you want them posted. To view reader comments, link to -- http://Federalist.com/main/[EMAIL PROTECTED] )

"Federalist No. 03-41 noted in jest that the Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew texts make no direct reference to pedophilia. However, 1 Corinthians 6:9 uses the effeminate 'malakoi' Which Strong defines as a 'catamite.' The Oxford shorter defines catamite as: 'A boy kept for homosexual practices -- the passive partner.' Not that this reference will stop the Episcopal church from advocating 'consensual' sex with minors."

"After having The Federalist forwarded to me by a colleague for months, I finally subscribed. Your writers do a great job of clarifying issues. His constant ranting about the glory [dark] days of the Clinton regime is offset by the valid arguments of common sense provided by The Federalist. Thanks again for a great publication!"

"Regarding Federalist No. 03-41 and Clintonista ambassador Joseph Wilson's task in Niger, as a Nuclear Engineer, I note that any uranium possibly available from Niger in Africa would be natural uranium (yellow cake in slang terms) not 'weapons-grade' uranium. Natural uranium is about 0.712% U-235 (the stuff that goes bang). Natural uranium has to be 'enriched' to a high percentage of purity for it to actually become weapons grade. Fuel enriched to more than 5% for commercial light water reactors is not enriched enough to be weapons grade."

"Thanks for reminding your readers that we already have a 'Patriot's Day.' It was clear that our government forgot about it when they chose April 19th for the final confrontation at Waco, and as if that weren't enough, W goes and declares September 11 'Patriot's Day.' It's infuriating that our own government leaders have so little regard for the significance of our national history."
Editor's Reply: Patriot's Day commemorates a revolution -- an option available to free people which standing governments don't like to advertise -- even our own!

"Is The Federalist Democratic or Republican or neither? Conservative or liberal?"
Editor's Reply: Perhaps you meant "Democrat" because while we are democratic, we certainly are not Democrat. We are Federalists -- first and foremost, constitutional constructionists.

"President Bush stated in a speech that he acted in Iraq because he wasn't going to leave the security of Americans in the hands of a madman. That's also a good reason to re-elect him."

"It may give some church leaders pause to remember the political laity who rose up against the 'bishops' of King George a couple of centuries back when those pious toadies refused to consider that the common folk had a firmer grasp of divinely gifted freedom than they who sought to so meanly rule them. Forget not that, today, the populous laity can read their own Bibles, thank you very much. Could it be that the people have a firmer grasp of the divinely inspired Word than the bishops may realize?"


"Hey, get this... The citizenry of California held an intervention for their fiscally drunk state on Tuesday and threw blandleader ‘Grey’ Davis out on his perpetually-cocked-in-the-direction-of-special-interests ear. I don’t want to say Davis lacks charisma, but his vanity license plate is a random series of numbers and letters. Double-jointed contortionist dancers at Polynesian resorts could not limbo under Davis’ approval ratings. The recall was an amazingly cathartic process for the electorate of this once-great state and their repudiation of Davis was comprehensive enough to at least earn him a time-share on Elba. Davis of course was replaced by what will hopefully be the Two-Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who brings with him an attitude more can-do than an apprentice concierge. Congratulations, Arnold. You have met your enemies on the field of battle, crushed them beneath your feet and heard the lamentations of their minions. ... Cruz Bustamante, the Democrat sub-standard bearer in the run-off election, finished a second more distant than the planet Pluto. One of my few disappointments during the evening was that California’s flimsy power grid didn’t blow out in the middle of Cruz’s concession speech. California Democratic Party head apparatchik Bob Mulholland said he is considering another recall in 100 days. Wow, the wine Ripple is not made with grapes that sour. Hey, Bobby, bring it on! I thought the recall was fun. Plus, we were able to keep Gary Coleman’s AFTRA dental plan active. ... I want to say thank you to the people of California. Just when I was starting to think that freaky had become the official coin of the realm; you guys stepped up and exhibited some good old-fashioned heartland common sense. It’s encouraging that after seeing things in shades of ‘gray’ for the last five years we were able to make a simple black and white decision. Salute. Got that?" --Dennis Miller

Lex et Libertas -- Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis! Mark Alexander, Publisher, for the editors and staff. (Please pray on this day, and every day, for our Patriot Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world in defense of our liberty, and for the families awaiting their safe return.)


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