Author: Men To Be Extinct, Women Cause Homosexuality

An author, acclaimed researcher, scientific adviser to Britain's Parliament, television commentator and founder of an ancestor-finding company, has a few things to say about men - none of them pleasant.

"The experiment which gave us men is not turning out too well," writes Bryan Sykes in his new book, "Adam's Curse - A Future Without Men"

Yes, according to Sykes, the male blueprint is headed for extinction. That's still some way off - maybe 100,000 years at the earliest, but Sykes says it's inevitable.

"The Y-chromosome is intrinsically feeble and decaying. There is an irony in that this very influential Y-chromosome is itself very weak."

The irony being that women seem to prefer powerful men, and that very power, which comes from the Y-chromosome, is being eliminated by women themselves, at a genetic level.

Sykes also claims that a mother's mitochondrial DNA attempts to "kill" the Y-chromosome - the two are at "war" - and that gay men are an example of "genetic altruism" - sacrificing their ability to reproduce so they can help their mothers bring up female children.

But, don't despair yet, men: There is hope. Researchers in Massachusetts have discovered the Y-chromosome has the capacity for self-repair. Uniquely, it can link with other parts of its own mirror-image sequence to mend itself.


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