See I wasn't the only one that caught that. lol
And yeah, back when I listened to the stuff I loved her song "Get This Party Started"....but can't stand looking at her. lol
----- Original Message -----
From: Angela
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Pope Cancels due to illness

Interesting subject to reply to about Pink Charles, LOL   
But I do like her music and sometimes her looks. She's one that just doesnt care what others think really
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 10:10 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Pope Cancels due to illness

Pink, in general is horrid.  I can't stand her.  (Sorry Tom)
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lowell R. Matthews
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:12 AM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] Pope Cancels due to illness

Charles wrote:
That's interesting.  Would you please expound on the "monks prophecies" you
mention here.
Angela and any other Catholics might know the story better than I do.  Basically, there was a monk who lived several hundred years ago who wrote devastatingly accurate prophecies about the reigns of (to him) future popes.  He said the last would be a "monster" who would bear the name of the first, i.e., Peter.  I believe LaHaye & Jenkins incorporated this into the Left Behind series, because their Pontifex Maximus of the Enigma Babylon One World Faith is named Peter Mathews, and his first step in rising to power is Pope.

I did a little searching, and found some web references to the subject prophecies.

* * *

St. Malachi

The Irish archbishop St. Malachi (also known as Maelm Haedoc Va Morgair) was born in 1095 at Armaugh, Ireland. He died in 1148. St. Malachi was gifted with miracles and prophecy. In 1132 he succeeded to archbishopric of Armagh, but resigned in 1138 to take a journey to Rome to visit Pope Innocent III. En route, he visited St. Bernard (who later wrote St. Malachi's biography) at Clairvaux, France. There he wrote his famous prophecy predicting 112 individual Popes by name from Celestine II (1143-1144) to the very end of the Papacy. The Benedictine monk Arnold de Wion found the original manuscript in the library of the Vatican and included it in his book Lignum Vitae (1595). The series includes many accurate descriptions of the popes in two or three word phrases. Those of the 20th century are translated from Latin as follows. (2, 11, 12)

Lumen in Coelo (Light in Heaven): the 101st in St. Malachi's series was Pope Leo XIII, whose Pecci family coat-of-arms bears a comet.

Ignis Ardens (Ardent Fire): Pope Pius X (1903-1914).

Religio Depopulata (Religion Depopulated): Benedict XV (1914-1922); during World War I, depopulation was the order of the day.

Fides Intrepida (Intrepid Faith): Pope Pius XI (1922-1939).

Pastor Angelicus (Angelic Shepherd): Pope Pius XII (1939-1958).

Pastor et Nauta (Shepherd and Pilot): Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) was the patriarch ("Shepherd") of the port city of Venice (hence "Pilot") before he was elected Pope.

Flos Florum (Flower of Flowers): Pope Paul VI (1963-1978); his family coat-of-arms has a floral crest of the fleur-de-lys.

De Medietate Lunae (Middle of the Moon), number 108: The 33-day reign of Pope [John] Paul I spanned two full moons; he died during the half-moon phase ("Middle of the Moon") in 1979.

De Labore Solis (Labor of the Sun): Pope John Paul II was born during a total eclipse of the sun.

De Gloria Olivae (Glory of the Olive), number 110, will be the penultimate Pope, according to St. Malachi.

Peter Romanus (Peter of Rome); St. Malachi gave more details about the last Pope:

During the final persecution of the Holy Roman Catholic Church there will sit upon the throne Peter the Roman, who will pasture his flock in the midst of many tribulations. With these passed, the city of the hills will be destroyed, and the awful judge will judge the peoples.

* * *

The Monk of Padua

Another series of papal prophecies was made by the Monk of Padua. His predictions existed in manuscript form before 1790, but were not published until 1889. The prophecies relate to the last 20 popes and actually names them. However, the names are not in accord since the ascension of Benedict XV in 1914. The Monk of Padua expected him to take the name of Paul VI, but Benedict did not oblige him.

The Monk wrote of Pope John Paul I (whom he named Pius XII), that "From the half-moon proceeds this Pope sent to Rome by the Divine Doctor. Hail, O our well-beloved Father, Pius IX, the most Holy Mediator, future victim!" In his book In God's Name (1984), David Yallup claimed that Pope John Paul was poisoned with digitalis (to give the appearance of a heart attack) because he planned to press an investigation of the Vatican Bank's links to the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge and a network of front companies in Europe and South America, whereby millions of dollars were channeled for secret purposes. No autopsy was performed, and the body was quickly embalmed. The Pope also was preparing to liberalize the Church's position on birth control, and he planned to remove several high officials, among them Archbishop Paul Minkus (president of the Vatican Bank).

The Monk of Padua wrote this about Pope John Paul II:

"Thanks to an excellent work of the sun, the earth has nourished the devoted flock of a most holy shepherd --- our very Holy Father, Gregory XVIII, a priest altogether admirable."

The next Pope (St. Malachi's De Gloria Olivae) was named Leo XIV:

"Oh, what a messenger of peace of the glory of the olive tree, of the Lord, oh, what a protector, all filled with goodness! -- the Pope, Leo XIV, energetic monarch, a glorious reign."

The monk's predictions end there, without mention of St. Malachi's "Peter Romanus".

* * *

Anyway, I'm running out of time, so I'll just say that LaHaye & Jenkins in Left Behind say that the "new" Pope who tries to bring the RCC back towards sounder Biblical interpretations of the need for personal salvation disappears in the Rapture.  That could correspond to Malachi's De Gloria Olivae, then the leader of the One World Faith to Malachi's Peter Romanus.  I'll look up some more later.

Best wishes,


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