Gaza Strip Blast Kills Three Americans

.c The Associated Press 

BEIT LAHIYA, Gaza Strip (AP) - A remote-controlled bomb exploded under a
diplomatic convoy Wednesday, ripping apart an armored van and killing three
Americans in an unprecedented deadly attack on an official U.S. target.

The bombing, which also wounded an American, will likely intensify U.S. 
pressure on the Palestinian Authority to take action against militant
groups. The U.S. Embassy advised U.S. citizens to leave the Gaza Strip after
the attack.

If Palestinian militants were to blame, it could signal a dramatic change in
strategy. While targeting Israeli soldiers and civilians for years, the main
militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad have not attacked U.S. officials -
apparently to avoid a harsh retribution from the Americans and the anger of
Palestinian officials trying to work with Washington.

Both groups repeated their stance Wednesday that they don't attack
Americans, and there was no claim of responsibility for the bombing, which
the U.S ambassador said targeted diplomats heading to Gaza to interview
Palestinian candidates for a Fulbright scholarship.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat condemned the attack as an ``awful crime'' 
and said he ordered an investigation. The Palestinian prime minister called
Secretary of State Colin Powell to express his condolence and promise swift

The U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Kurtzer, said the FBI would send bomb
experts to investigate. ``We were shocked by this latest terrorist
Kurtzer told reporters. He said the three dead were security personnel
contracted by the embassy.

A team of investigators who photographed the charred van was pelted with
rocks by Palestinians and had to cut short the visit.

Meanwhile, Israel announced orders to expel three Palestinian militants from
the West Bank to the Gaza Strip. The decision came after it issued similar
orders a day earlier against 15 other Palestinians - raising criticism from
the Palestinians and human rights group.

Wednesday's bomb detonated around 10:15 a.m. (4:15 a.m. EDT) as the
three-car convoy, escorted by Palestinian police, was heading south on
Gaza's main road just after entering the Gaza Strip from Israel. In
Washington, State Department spokeswoman Brooke Summers said the blast came
from a ``previously planted explosive device.''

An AP reporter saw a gray wire with an on-off switch leading from the scene
of the attack to a small concrete building at the side of the road.

After the first two cars - including the police escort - went by, the third
car had just passed when the blast went off near a gas station, said
Mohammed Radwan, a Palestinian taxi driver who was at the station at the

``The first two cars drove quickly and stopped far from the explosion. 
Palestinian security people jumped out of the car and rushed to the car that
had blown up ... I saw two people covered with blood lying next to the
car,'' he said.

The blast gouged a deep crater into the unpaved stretch of road. The attack
tore the van in half and flipped it over, leaving the wreckage twisted with
the tires up in the air. The pavement was stained with blood and littered
with bits of flesh that were collected by Palestinian paramedics.

Palestinian security sources said they had ruled out the major Palestinian
factions and were focusing their investigation on some small groups that
receive funding from abroad, possibly Iran.

The attack was the second to target U.S. officials in Gaza, according to the
U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Kurtzer. The previous attack, on a
bulletproof car in Gaza in June, did not cause any injuries, he said,
providing no further details. In June, the U.S. government announced it had
received ``credible reports'' of plans to kidnap U.S. citizens in Gaza.

Attacks on U.S. targets have taken place in other other Arab countries,
including Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and now Iraq. In October last year, an
American administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development was
gunned down in the Jordanian capital, Amman, in an assassination thought
linked to the al-Qaida network.

But in the bloody conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, there has
been an unofficial policy of ``hands off'' the Americans, though 49
Americans, many with dual citizenship, have been caught in the crossfire in
the past three years of fighting.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, responsible for the bulk of the attacks on Israelis
in the past three years of fighting, reiterated Wednesday that they have no
interest in taking aim at non-Israeli targets.

``The Palestinian resistance believes that its enemy is the one who has
occupied its land, who has killed the people of this land,'' Sheikh Adnan
Assfour, a Hamas leader from Nablus, said in a statement faxed to AP.

Islamic Jihad spokesman Nafez Nazzam said Wednesday after the attack that
his group ``has no intention to extend a cycle of confrontation with any
nation ... except the occupation. Our battle is with the occupiers only.''

``In the land of Palestine, it's not proper to target Americans nor any
other nations,'' he said.

But resentment against the United States has been growing steadily, with
many Palestinians complaining that Washington sides with Israel.

U.S. convoys of armored black and silver Chevrolet Suburbans travel in Gaza
almost daily and usually take the same route on the main north-south road in
the strip. The convoys are easily identifiable: They are escorted by
Palestinian police and have diplomatic plates. The color and make of the
vehicles are unique to U.S. officials.

Later Wednesday, the U.S. government issued a travel advisory, recommending
that ``all U.S. citizens depart the area as expeditiously as possible.'' 
Kurtzer said between 200 to 400 Americans, some of them of Palestinian
descent, work in the Gaza Strip, many for aid groups.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia denounced the attack. ``We strongly
condemn this incident and we will conduct an investigation and we will
follow it to find the source of this attack,'' he told reporters in the West

Israeli officials said the attack underscored the need to dismantle
Palestinian militant groups - a requirement of the stalled, U.S.-backed
``road map'' 
peace plan that Palestinian leaders have refused to carry out.

``What happened is evidence that no one is immune, unfortunately, to
Palestinian terrorism,'' said Zalman Shoval, an adviser to Prime Minister

10/15/03 12:59 EDT

Source: AP


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